Star Wars Fanon

Zyleera was a T'baali soldier that gained recognition and galactic fame for aiding the Galactic Republic in fighting the Separatist Droid Army during the Rise of the Empire era. She was allegedly the daughter of shrine master Kuturu Mashktovoh, but was, in reality, the child of the T'baali king Solldan Amilerias and his mistress, Ryaani M'hhtrah, but because of the fluctuation of power within the royal house was sent away to live in the safety of the village. She was among the first to join the Republic after her village was destroyed by the Kyiron, who were aided by the Separatists, and soon rose to the top of the ranks. During the Galactic Civil War, she aided the Rebel Alliance to destroy the Galactic Empire. After the formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, she withdrew to further aid her home world of Talbatha. Zyleera met her untimely demise when she was killed by an Ancient as she stopped it from being summoned to Talbatha, saving the planet in the process.


Early life[]

Zyleera was the 14th child of Solldan Amilerias, the T'baali king. Her mother was one of his six concubines, Ryaani M'hhtrah, who was Solldan's personal favorite out of his six wives. Zyleera was born with golden eyes, which was an extreme rarity among T'baali, and is a sign of future greatness. However, Solldan's first wife, Matriana Mavilerios, became fearful for the future of her own child, who was Solldan's firstborn and his heir, yet Matriana believed Solldan would choose Zyleera over her own child, and she sought out a way to remove that variable. Soon enough, she hired an assassin to kill the child before she could steal the throne. The assassin would've succeeded, but Ryaani caught him in the act and killed him herself. Sensing her child wouldn't be safe in the palace, she called upon a servant to take Zyleera away to live in the village of Maktuvra, where Ryaani grew up herself. Her hope was to have her child raised there, where she'd be safe from Matriana.

Zyleera was dropped off at Matuvra's shrine, where she was found by the shrine master, Kuturu Mashkotovoh, who raised her as his own. Under his guidance, Zyleera learned of the Force and Thra, the T'baali's main religion. Kuturu soon discovered that Zyleera had a powerful connection to the Force, one that was much stronger than most. Kuturu noted this gave her special abilities, such as being able to become invisible for a certain amount of time, and being able to create objects out of pure energy.




Personality and traits[]
