Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Ziffano Colzoraddi was a male Human from Milagro. Prior to the Sith invasion of 1,387 BBY he served as a planetary law enforcement officer, then became an attorney and rose to become a regional attorney general. He remained in office under Sith rule, but diverted law enforcement from the activities of the Milagro Resistance at considerable risk to his own life. When Mali Darakhan led a fleet to dislodge the Sith, Colzoraddi was appointed interim Minister of Law. He ran for Parliament on Tago Tafen's National Union Party ticket and was confirmed in his office by Prime Minister Zemma Rufos.

Colzoraddi was privy to several high-level discussions, including strategizing after the death of Jeh-Kro at the hands of Jedi Knights and Mali Darakhan's decision to declare martial law over regions around Tarbunt City, though he opposed the latter.

