Dragomir Jovanović: “Yes, though originally I served the Republic.”
Ziana Sazen: “Why did you leave?”
Dragomir Jovanović: “The corruption and deteriorating situation. If the CIS never existed and Palpatine never came to power, it would have destroyed itself.”
―Ziana Sazen and Dragomir Jovanović
Ziana Sazen was a female Falleen Jedi Padawan and later a fugitive, becoming the gunner of the freighter Akula. Fighting during the Clone Wars, Ziana was sent on a mission on a backwater forest planet during the final weeks of the conflict. She found the Separatist base to be full of shut down battle droids, and found out later in a nearby spaceport that the war ended and the Galactic Empire was founded. As a Jedi, Ziana fled into hiding for a few weeks, and then hitched a rid aboard a transport to the urban world of Trantor. There, she eventually became in debt to a crime lord, and joined freighter pilot Dragomir Jovanović's crew as a gunner. Ziana later found that he was a former Separatist ace pilot.
Eventually, they joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and she became one of the few former Jedi within it's ranks. After the end of the Galactic Civil War, she married Jovanović, as a relationship developed between them during their years together. Ziana eventually became a Jedi Master in the New Jedi Order.