Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic era

Zen Galduran was a male Human serving as a captain in the navy of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


Born on Corellia in 49 BBY, Galduran was a Human male. His parents were both officers of the Corellian Security Force. They both expected their son to also follow in their footsteps and join the security force, but the young Galduran had no intent of doing so. From his early years, the young Corellian was interested in military history and political science. Studying both, Galduran planned to leave his home planet as quickly as possible. In 31 BBY, when he was eighteen years old, Galduran left Corellia and was accepted into the Academy of Carida. There he trained and graduated as the third best in his class, being given the rank of ensign in the Judicial Forces. His instructors had him sent to Coruscant to get additional teachings in being an officer. Galduran met with members of the government of the Galactic Republic while he was there, and quickly became disgusted with the corruption and bureaucracy he witnessed among the senators.

So around 23 BBY, when he met Count Dooku, a former Jedi with whom he served with breifly during his time in the Judicial Forces, Galduran took up his offer of joining the growing Separatist movement. Being posted aboard a vessel at Geonosis, Galduran was given the rank of lieutenant.
