The Zarkan Kingdom Ordinance of Secession was the first such Ordinance of Secession passed by a nation to secede from the Union of Earth States. The Ordinance was passed and declared on the 1st day of 21 BBY, the day the Zarkan Kingdom and Empire seceded from the Union of Earth States.
During the Zarkan Secession Convention in the closing weeks of 22 BBY, it was decided that the Zarkan Kingdom would secede on the first day of the 60th Year of Union (First day of 21 BBY).
The Convention later reconvened on the evening of the last day of the 59th Year of Union (Last day of 22 BBY) to draft the text to the document declaring the Zarkan Kingdom's secession from the Union. In the closing hours of the day the document was finalised, and the document was sent to the Parliament of the Zarkan Kingdom for passage into law.
Upon convening in the hour prior to midnight the Parliament prepared to pass the document, as soon as Midnight hit, the celebration of the New Year, the Members of the Parliament sung the Hymn to a New Year and then preceded to officially pass the document in a unanimous voice vote.
Following the passage of the document the special session of the Parliament was finally concluded, copies of the draft were sent to every courthouse in the Zarkan Kingdom, as well as one sent to the Zarkan Kingdom's delegation in the Union Senate in Williamston, Nortalia.
As the Union Senate convened for an emergency session the Zarkan Kingdom's representative in the Union Senate, Harold N. Yates, during the first time he had entered the Senate chamber since the passing of the Western States Expulsion Act several weeks prior, read the document to the Union Senate, upon conclusion of which, he gathered his personal effects and departed from the Senate, returning to the Zarkan Kingdom.
With Yates' reading, the Zarkan Kingdom was popularly seen to have seceded from the Union, though had officially done so at Midnight, with the passing of the document. The Union Senate did not de jure recognise the secession, or the legality of the document, though de facto realised that the Zarkan Kingdom was no longer going to engage with the Union as a member of the Union, instead as a fully-independent nation.
Text of the Document[]
An act declaring the political ties heretofore existing between the Zarkan Kingdom and Empire and the federal governing body by the name of the "Union of Earth States" henceforth dissolved.
We, the loyal, officious, and faithful subjects of the sovereign state of the Zarkan Kingdom, do hereby exercise our natural right of self-determination to declare the independence, and the unalienable national sovereignty, of our native state from that of the Government of the Union of Earth States.
First. We, the just, kind, and e'er peaceful subject-citizens of the Kingdom of Zarkania, have freely, and with a great amount of thought and discussion, decided to declare the independence of our native land, both now, and forever. We made this declaration upon the democratic decision of the majority that such a secession be necessary for the well-being of our nation, and her right.
Second. The Centralist policies of President Richard Williams, as well as the actions taken by the aforementioned Premier in the pursuit of the furthering of said policies, have rendered our separation from the Union a necessity. We feel that this secession is a necessity for the continued survival, and well-being, of our national sovereignty, our historical and political customs, our rights, and for the betterment of our posterity.
Third. The actions taken by President Williams, and the Federalist Faction members supportive of him, for example, the hostile action taken against those nations who proclaim their national sovereignty and independence to be tantamount to their personal well-being, have denigrated the moral compass, the pursuit of justice, and the desire for a peaceful and agreeable co-existence between the nations subject to Federalist policies, and those who maintain the Traditional order and national rights for which have brought them a strong national spirit and healthy Patriotic and Nationalist outlook. The actions mentioned prior have been a notable point of contention for more than a decade, as a result we feel that independence for the Traditionalist nations of the Union can cure such contention.
Fourth. President Williams has invaded with hostile intent the soil of nations who reject the sovereignty and legality of the Union's governance over them, for whatever reason they had given, in attempt to maintain the territorial integrity of the Union of Earth States, at the expense of a desire for a Humane resolution to their issues and concerns, respectful deference to their rights of national self-determination, and their well-being by forcing them to engage in an unwelcome conflict to defend their own liberation. The Democratic Republic of Leasath is perhaps the most notorious example of this hostile action against sovereign nations. We can no longer abide by such wanton violations of the Compact agreed upon between the Union of Earth States and the nations which make up its body politic. As a result, we shall no longer engage in such a government in which such cruel acts shall be accepted, and even encouraged, henceforth we secede from the Union's governance.
Fifth. Over the years, the Union has continually attempted to increase taxations and tariffs on our national economy and our national industry, finance, and global trade, the infamous Tariff Crisis of the 44th Year of Union was a notable example of the result of which. We continually reject the unlawful increase of the taxations levied against us, yet our rejections continue to go unheeded. As a result of which, we remove ourselves from the taxation and tariff system of the Union to avoid such unlawful financial detriments.
Sixth. We furthermore proclaim that any and all political rights and powers vested under the Constitution of the Union of Earth States not in direct violation to our national sovereignty, our national well-being, our cultural practices, and this very ordinance, shall be maintained within our independent nation. However, we reserve the right to alter or outright remove such provisions should they prove to be either no longer necessary, or detrimental to our own constitutional rights as an independent state.
Seventh. We seek to maintain a peaceful co-existence with the remainder of the Union of Earth States. Hostilities and conflicts are not desired for by the Parliament and subjects of the Zarkan Kingdom, we wish to maintain our position of peaceful trade within the global trading community. All we ask is for our rights to not be infringed.
Eighth. Be it enacted by the Parliament of the Zarkan Kingdom, that all political ties at present existing between the Government and People of the Zarkan Kingdom and the Government of the Union of Earth States are hereby dissolved. The Zarkan Kingdom resuming her position as a truly sovereign, independent and free nation state, as she was prior to the adoption of the Compact between herself and the Union of Earth States on the 6th Year of Union (Year 925 in the Calendar of the Zarkan Kingdom).
This act to be ordained, to take effect, and be in force upon its passage.
Approved by the Parliament of the Zarkan Kingdom, 1st of New Year, Year 979 (1st of January, 60th Year of Union)
Signed into law by Her Imperial Majesty, Jane Zarkan I Regina, upon the same date given prior.