I serve the Emperor, as I always have.
Zalek Steele, designated Alpha Leader, was a Human male pilot in the armada of the Sith Empire during the Cold War and the Galactic War. Becoming an ace pilot, Steele eventually rose to the rank of colonel in the starfighter corps of the Empire. Born on Corellia, Steele was captured as a young man by Imperial forces. Noticing his knowledge about mechanics, he was trained as a pilot in the Imperial fleet, and became a lieutenant.[1] He scored a large number of kills during the Battle of Citadel Station, and was noticed for it by Grand Admiral Malak Gargun.[2]
Early life and career[]
Steele was a Human male born on Corellia at an unknown date. As a young man, he ventured off of his homeworld and found employment as a mechanic. However, during a raid, Steele was captured and taken prisoner by the Empire, who used him as a worker. His skills in mechanics were noticed, and Steele was drafted into the Imperial Navy as a pilot.[1]
Cold War[]

Steele as a lieutenant.
During the Cold War, in 3,650 BBY, Steele held the rank of lieutenant and was under the command of Grand Admiral Malak Gargun. He was stationed aboard the Citadel Station, a research station in the Dominus system. There, Steele and other pilots provided security, which proved to be useful when a Republic fleet attacked the station. Earlier, an Imperial agent stole an experimental cloaking device from a Republic facility on Akuria II. The device was brought aboard the station for more extensive study by Imperial scientists, overseen by Grand Admiral Gargun. When the Republic tracked the device there and attacked, Steele was among the pilots scrambled in defense. The battle was intense, and Steele scored a high number of kills against Republic fighters. It ended in an Imperial victory. After the battle, the Grand Admiral noted his performance and selected him for another mission.[2]
Personality and traits[]
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Dark Reign of the Empire (First appearance)
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Perilous Skies