Star Wars Fanon

Zakkani was the native language of the Zavakian species and the sole official language of the Zavakian Empire.


Proto-Zakkani developed from ancient Human languages spoken by the early inhabitants of Zavak, who arrived around 27,000 BBY and were isolated from the wider galaxy. After twenty thousand years, modern Zakkani emerged, being unrecognizable from its original form. All Zavakians spoke it, and a number of other sentient species coming into contact with Zavakian civilization began speaking Zakkani as well.

The Zavakian Empire, established in 3,670 BBY, declared Zakkani as its official language in government and commerce. A number of words from ur-Kittât were adopted by Zakkani due to the Zavakian Empire's connections to the Sith Empire.

By the late Imperial Era, Zakkani was little known outside of the Arus sector. However, some protocol droids were able to understand it, allowing the Galactic Empire to communicate effectively with the Zavakian Empire.

Writing system[]

Many variations of the Zakkani script existed, but by the last few centuries of the Zavakian Empire, an eighteen-letter alphabet was the most commonly used script. It was written right-to-left. The sentence order was verb, object, subject.

Known vocabulary[]

Zakkani (transliterated) Galactic Basic
Aveztu Starship
Imteiko Empire
Iszeko City
Kwe Of the
Terka Planet
Vaszalor Count/Countess
Werzalor Duke/Duchess
Xec Arrusa Arus sector
Zerkalor Emperor/Empress
Zvakka Zavakia
Zvallo Zavakian