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ZR-8X-OST5-M was a planet in the Core Worlds, beyond the Metellos Trade Route, and near the border of the Unknown Regions.
It was discovered by explorers in 431 BBY but it was considered unsafe for colonization because its sun was considered unstable. The system was reevaluated in 42 BBY and the sun was determined to be stable. The Fiskerites world of Trulikoo obtained the rights to colonize the world and, in 39 BBY, established an industrial colony on the planet.
During the Clone Wars Separatist Commander Jott Ruzhim led an invasion of the planet. They massacred the entire civilian populace before the Republic arrived to recapture the world. After the war, Palpatine sent Humans to populate the planet and restart industrial production. In 5 ABY, New Republic forces captured and held the planet. It accepted hundreds of thousands of Mogo'yog refugees from Onnewjon in 30 ABY. A census in 100 ABY put the population at 97,147,002.