Star Wars Fanon


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Yuuruxuu was the oldest city on Erayyxa. Built by early settlers, it was often the planet's capital.


Yuuruxuu became a township in 5,021 BBY and eventually became the capital. The Erayyxan Government Council built the city's Government Tower but the Tower was destroyed in 4,130 BBY. When the planet joined the Republic, in 1,001 BBY Yuuruxuu remained the capital but the government officially collapsed in 705 BBY and ceased to be capital. By 650 BBY, a Zexx warlord named Bneldrnj was in charge of the city. A Vug'uric named Bazadarp eventually ruled the city but Exactor took it from him in 35 BBY. Bazadarp retook the city but then Sarqi Polpotta ousted him and ruled the city with the help of the Erayyxa Civil Defense League. He eventually reunited the planet and Yuuruxuu became the capital once again.

