Star Wars Fanon

Yuri Antilles is a human pilot for the Rebel Alliance. He decided to join when he heard that his relative, Wedge Antilles, was one of the few survivors of the Battle of Yavin. Being the great-grandson of the wife of Wedge's great-grandfather, Yuri decided to join the rebellion in 0.5 ABY, and became the second-in-command pilot of the new White Squadron.

Battle of Endor[]

During the Battle of Endor, Yuri shot down two enemy TIE Fighters out of a group of three. The third later damaged his ship, forcing him to land in a Rebel cruiser for repairs.

Post-Battle of Endor[]

After the Battle of Endor, when Lieutenant Riels Omtar resigned from being the leader of White Squadron because of losing close to half the squadron, which he thought was his own fault, Yuri was made the flight lieutenant of White Squadron.
