Star Wars Fanon

I hope I never have to tell you about how bad the war really was."
"When will I have to know?"
"When it happens again."
"You didn't say 'if'."
"I know.

—Yulic and Vidril talking about the possibility of another war between Jedi and Sith.

Yulic Namex was a Cathar Jedi Master alive during the Great Galactic War and the succeeding Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. An incredibly skilled lightsaber combatant and rugged war veteran, Namex was respected by all and feared by some, though also possessed a caring yet stern personality.

A promising Jedi Initiate and Padawan, Yulic became a Knight just as the Great Galactic War broke out between the Republic (bolstered by the Jedi) and the resurged Sith Empire. Rushed into military missions, Namex gained credit after managing to rescue the Mon Calamari Royal Family from their home planet before the Sith found them. As he went into more battles, Namex began meeting and befriending multiple members of the galactic community, mostly criminals, who majorally opposed the Sith and their invasive ways. After bringing some criminals on a successful mission to destroy an Imperial stronghold on the planet of Umbara, the Republic gave Namex permission to form a new branch of the Strategic Information Service: the Freelancer Corps , an elite unit made up entirely of criminals, bounty hunters and mercenaries who wanted to fight the Sith.

For the next seven-to-eight years, Namex and his Corps gained multiple victories against the Empire, including the assassination of the infamous 'Emperor's Voice' and the destruction of a prototype battle droid factory in Imperial Space. Befriending the Twi'lek gunslinger Hereson and becoming a more notable figure in the galaxy, Namex received praise from the Republic and murder attempts from the Empire. However, the success wouldn't last. Following several failed missions and a major betrayal from within the Corps, Namex and Hereson agreed to disband the Corps as a failure. Hereson vanished back into his criminal past, while Namex took the mantle of Jedi Master and became the chief of security at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. When the Empire sacked the Temple in the final year of the War, Namex fought multiple Sith, though eventually escaped alongside some former smuggler allies, his Padawan, and a group of Initiates in their early teens.

After the Sacking of Coruscant, the Jedi Order relocated to the first homeworld of light and dark side users: Tython. Namex took one of the Initiates he escaped with, Vidril Vesal, as a Padawan, and led efforts to colonize the planet and construct the new Jedi Temple. When Vidril ascended to Knighthood and left Tython for Hutt Space in 5 ATC, Namex travelled to Coruscant alongside Grand Master Satele Shan and one of Vidril's friends, the Miraluka Jarn Walon, as one of multiple Jedi ambassadors to the Republic. Several years later, Vidril returned from Hutt Space alongside his half-brother, the pirate and smuggler Salovan, and none other than Hereson, who had retired to Nal Hutta after a life of crime. Hereson and Namex reunited for the first time in almost thirty years, and began working for the SIS once more, as a new War was looming over the galaxy.


Early life[]

Born into the Jedi Order because his mother was also a Jedi, Namex was quickly brought into the fold of the Jedi, while her mother was forced to seperate with her child. Quickly becoming a masterful student, Namex became a Jedi Knight at nineteen, just in time for the outbreak of war between the Republic and the Sith Empire.

Great Galactic War[]

Early Battles[]

Namex went into battle against the Sith early in the war, his first engagement being on Mon Calamari. Sent first as a delegate and then as a guardian, Namex fought alongside the Mon Calamari, but eventually, the people of the planet were overwhelmed. Staging a daring rescue mission for the Mon Calamari royal family, Namex ensured that the royal bloodline would persist, and this turned to be a favour to the Jedi, as the royal family became allies of the Jedi within the Galactic Senate.

After this, Namex was rewarded his own Defender-class corvette, a mobile home for Jedi, so that he could quickly respond to any battles and aid in the fighting. Along the way, he befriended multiple smugglers and pirates due to his travels in space, allies that would prove to be vital in the war against the Sith.

Killing the Emperor's Voice[]

During the war, Namex came across rumours that stated that the Emperor's Voice, the only person who could communicate with the Emperor himself, would be visiting the planet of Nar Shaddaa to invoke the Emperor's fear into the population, driving them into oppression. Thanks to his many criminal friends, Namex was able to make his way to Nar Shaddaa, with one goal in mind: bringing down the Voice.

After hiding in plain sight for many days, Namex was able to watch as the Voice arrived, who then used Sith magic to knock unconscious all non-Force-sensitives in the crowd that had come to greet him, before soldiers began capturing any Force-users. When the soldiers discovered Namex was a Jedi due to his lightsaber, they prepared to execute him, before Namex's friends came to his aid, blasting away the troopers and beginning a heated street battle as Namex dueled with the Voice.

Namex eventually showed his expertise in lightsaber combat, overpowering the Voice and beheading him. Nar Shaddaa would go on to oppose the Empire in the war, inspired by the act of defiance made by Namex and the smugglers. While the Force-users the Empire had tried to capture were taken to become Jedi, Namex was given the rank of Jedi Master: at just twenty-seven years old.

Break from the War[]

For the rest of the war (twenty-one years), Namex would go between teaching students of the Jedi at the Jedi Temple and going out to fight the Sith. However, twenty-eight years of fighting put strain on the Cathar. Despite a time of peace in the Temple, Namex began suffering from symptoms of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), and would have panic attacks at random moments. However, this wasn't caused by the war, but by his duel with the Voice. The Jedi Council soon despaired to discover that the Emperor had given Namex his trauma, as punishment for killing the Voice.

For days and days, Namex struggled to sleep, walk or even eat as the Jedi Sages tried to heal him. Eventually, Namex was healed, but it came late. The War had gone on for twenty-five years, and the Council advised Namex that he would not fight any more battles. Namex was then given the rank of Guardian and became a protector of the Jedi Temple, being one of the chiefs of security.

End of the War[]

After twenty-eight years of fighting, the war came to a brutal end. The Empire attacked Coruscant with all of it's might, ruining the Jedi Temple. With Jedi defenses overwhelmed but many still left to be evacuated, Namex called for his smuggler friends on Coruscant to meet him in the Jedi Temple: with an Imperial shuttle. Namex was able to rescue four Initiates alongside the smugglers, who used their Imperial disguise to bypass the Imperial ships in orbit. Namex then guided the smugglers and the young Jedi to Kurano Station, a hidden space station in the deep core built for if the Jedi had nowhere else go during a crisis.

On Kurano Station, Namex met with Grand Master of the Jedi Order, the Kel-Dor Zym, discussing the Order's next moves, before news came of the fact that Imperial and Republic delegates had met on Alderaan and signed a treaty, ending the Siege of Coruscant but giving the Empire victory and multiple systems. This signalled the end of the War, and was a blow for the Order.

Cold War[]

Taking a Padawan[]

Two years after the end of the war, the ancient Jedi homeworld of Tython was discovered, and the Jedi soon moved there. Namex, after his former Padawan ascended to Knighthood, decided that it was time to take another Padawan, and chose Vidril Vesal, one of the initiates he had rescued from Coruscant. While Vidril was skilled with combat and was intelligent, he often seemed defiant of Namex, possessing an independent nature and occasionally disagreeing or even arguing with the Cathar Master, Nonetheless, the pair held a close respect for each other, which remained for the rest of Vidril's time as a Padawan.

When Vidril turned twenty, he travelled to Ilum with Master Namex to find his lightsaber crystal, The pair were ambushed in the ice caves of Ilum by members of the White Maw, a pirate gang that operated on arctic planets to scavenge. Namex was knocked out by a falling rock after the White Maw tried to destroy the caves with explosives, but amazingly, Vidril managed not only to retrieve his crystal, but also rescue Namex from the cave while fending off the pirates. Vidril was made a Jedi Knight following the incident, and Namex went back to being a guardian of the Temple.


Stern, strong-willed and almost always serious, Namex's past experiences made him into a no-nonsense kind of man, often quickly dismissive of others and possessing an iron mind. Namex was also known for being hard to make trustworthy, as not only was he very suspicious of others, but Namex was also very slow to trust new people, even other Jedi. Despite these traits, Namex was an optimist, always hoping for the best way out, and held a close friendship and respect for others, at least those he respected. Satele Shan once noted 'If you are his friend, you can be sure he'll help you, in any way possible'.

Namex, secretly, was actually very insecure, especially after his trauma at the hands of the Emperor and his memories of the attack on the Jedi Temple. Anxious of losing Vidril and reluctant to send the Padawan on remotely-dangerous missions. Namex was also very wary of putting younger Padawans in danger, and was a lead advocate in teaching all Padawans how to use a lightsaber so they could defend themselves.

Physical traits[]

During the Great Galactic War, Namex had a distinctive look, with dark-brown hair and tiger-like skin, black stripes across his body and his skin contrasting between orange and white. He was often seen wearing his white battle armour, covered by a dark-brown robe, whether he was on a mission or in the Temple, and wielded a unique yellow lightsaber, which later became a trademark for him.

During the Cold War, Namex's age began to show. Simply wearing Master's robes and with lighter looking hair, Namex's voice also grew much deeper, and he let a beard grow on his chin and about his mouth.
