Yod Ali Em was a member of the Jedi Order who never reached Knighthood. He was born on Dantooine 37 BBY. He was discovered by Mace Windu. He was trained by Yoda as a youngling. Later, Yel Zork took him as his padawan. They went on many missions. They even stopped a war between Lorcul and the Republic. They were later attacked by Zam Wessel. Yod nearly killed Zam, but Yel saved her life. He helt a grudge on Zam until there final battle. After Yel Zork died, Plo Koon trained Yod but rarely took him on missions because he sensed that he grieved his masters death. Yod later fought in the space battle above Geonosis during the first Battle of Geonosis. He became a General during the Clone Wars even though he was only fifteen.
Near the end of the Clone Wars, Chancelor Palpatine issued Order 66. Yod was able to kill many clones and almost escaped but was shot down by clone trooper Sideblast.
Early Life and Discovery[]
In 36 BBY, Mace Windu went to Dantooine to capture a bounty hunter who kidnapped a senator from that planet.He defeated all of the bounty hunters henchmen and found him. The bounty hunter held a blaster to the senetor's head and said that he would shoot if Mace came any closer.But then the Senators one year old son (Yod) utilized Force Pull in order to disarm the bounty hunter. The bounty hunter tried to pull out a vibro blade, but Mace Windu used Vappad to jump at the bounty hunter with his lightaber, and stabbed him in the stomach. Mace Windu told the senator that her son Yod was Force-sensitive and that he should be took to the Jedi Temple for training. The Senator agreed.
Training with Yel[]
Yoda oversaw Yod's training until Yod was eleven. After that, Yod was trained by Yel Zork. Yel taught him to respect all life forms, including plants. They went on many missions together. They went on a mission to Lorcul to stop the king there from starting war with the Republic for not stopping Hutt control. Yod was able to hold off all the kings gaurds while Yel used a mind trick on the king to make him throw the war documents in his fireplace. When the the mind trick wore off, the king was angry with the Jedi,and sent bounty hunter Zam Wessel to capture them. While Yod and Yel were in a diner in Coruscant's underworld, a old Rodian man walked up to them and said that someone robbed him outside the diner. They went outside but no one was there. Yel started to ask where the thief was, but the old man transformed into Zam Wessel and hit Yel on the back of the head with her blaster pistol knocking him out. She put him in the back seat of her airspeeder and put energy cuffs on Yod. She made him sit in the passenger seat. She was going to fly them to a spaceport, and then take them to the Lorculian king. During the ride, Yel woke up and used the Force to call his lightsaber to his hand. He held it to Zams neck then she flipped him over her shoulder onto the front of the speeder. She then shot him in the leg,and he slipped off the speeder but grabbed the edge. Zam aimed her blaster at the hand Yel was hanging from.In a desperate attempt to save his master, Yod Knocked Zam out of the speeder. Yod's tackle made Zam's blaster bolt barely miss Yel. He used the Force to push Zam into a parked speeder. Yod asked Yel why he saved her life and Yel said that if they killed their enemy [and] if they didn't have too they would be just like them. Yod would hold a grudge on Zam Wessel until their final confrontation one year after Yel Zork's death.
The New Master[]
After Yel Zork died on Chloryphilia, The Council decided to give Yod a new master. Plo Koon was good friends with Yel, and decided to train him.However, he didn't like Plo, because he blamed him for Yel's death. Plo tried to explain to him that Yel needed him to destroy the base, and himself, to stop the Trade Federation from getting their hands on the explosive root. Yel still disliked Plo. He refused to go on missions with Plo, even missions that were extremely dangerous for one Jedi. During the few missions he went on, he didn't help Plo.
Final Confrontation With Zam[]
Plo and Yod were on a mission on plo's home planet of Kel Dor. Like all the missions the two went on, Plo went to complete the mission while Yod stayed in a hotel. A hotel employee came into Yod's room. Yod asked what she was was doing there (because it was a low class hotel that did not supply room service). She said that she brought his death, transforming into her true self, Zam Wessel, and started shooting at him. Yod easily deflected her shots with his lightsaber, and cut the barrel off her blaster pistol. Zam backed up and threw a canister of poison gas, that was poisones to humans but not Zam's species. Yod helt his breath and slashed the room's window out, and jumped out of it. Zam thought that he died when he fell out of the four story window,and went to retrieve his lightsaber to prove to the king of Lorcul that he was dead. When she got outside she couldn't find his body. Yod came around the corner of the building and Force pushed her to the ground and brought his lightsaber back, fixing to kill her. Then he remembered what Yel Zork taught him and deactivated his lightsaber. He told Zam not to mess with the Jedi again or she would be killed. This came true when Zam was killed by Jango Fett while bieng interrorgated by Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.
Battle of Geonosis[]
When Mace Windu brought two hundred Jedi to Geonosis to rescue two Jedi and a Senator, Yod Ali Em flew during the space battle. He was in charge of gaurding a Republic cruiser whose weapons were defective. He destroyed any vulture droid that came near the cruiser. In the middle of the battle, the cruisers weapons were fixed and they were able to destroy the enemy.
Clone Wars General[]
For his bravery during the Battle of Geonosis, Yod was made a General during the Clone Wars even though he wasn't a knight. He had control of the 54th corps. He mainly took part in air and space battles, like when the Jedi tried to destroy General Grievous's battleship Malevolence. But he actualy had a very small part in this mission.
Order 66[]
Near the end of the Clone Wars, Plo Koon asked Yod to go on a mission with him to Cato Demoita.Yod refused. Plo told him that if he would't help him he might be put in a situation he needed help out of. Yod said he hoped Plo's ship got shot down (which coincidentally, he was shot down). After Plo left, Yod went to the bases mess hall where he talked to his two most trusted clone troopers, Thickfat and Sideblast. He didn't realize this would be their last friendly conversation. Later, Order 66 was given to clone commander Bazooka. On the way back to his qaurters, Yod was attacked by four clone troopers. He defeated them all and went to the control room to hologram Plo Koon and tell him what happened. He wouldn't answer. Yod knew somthing was very wrong and headed to the ship hangar. But someone beat him there. Commander Bazooka fired at Yod with the ships laser cannons. Yod cart wheeled, dodging the laserbolts. He jumped and cut the laser cannon in half with his lightsaber. Commander Bazooka called for reinforcements. Thickfat, Sideblast,and three other clone troopers attacked Yod. He deflected their laserbolts, killing two clones. Bazooka walked up behind him with a blaster pistol. Yod thought Sideblast and Thickfat might only be pretending to turn on him, so he turned around and attempted to stab Bazooka.
When Yod turned his back to kill Bazooka, Sideblast shot him down killing him.
Personality and Traits[]
Yod was an extremeley confident padawan. After his first master died he was depressed,and blamed his second master, Plo Koon, for Yel's death.
Powers and abilities[]
Yod was one of the best pilots of his time, behind Anakin Skywalker, Plo Koon, and Saesee Tin. He was also good at acrobatics and lightsaber combat (he used a brown lightsaber). He never took the knighthood trials because after Yel Zork died, he didn't want to. He was more powerful than most Jedi knights at the time, and a few Jedi masters.