Yich was a bounty hunter, mercenary, smuggler or whatever that suited him best for the moment. He simply did anything that was best for himself. He also were a master in turning war and other dangerous and/or strange situation to his own best. During the Clone Wars, Great Jedi Purge and Galactic Civil War, he created his own fleet and army that he used the way that suited him best.
Pre-Clone Wars[]
I have the money. I have the template. Accept my order, or I'll cut your long neck off!
—Yich to Lama Su
Yich was born on Nar Shaddaa. His mother were killed by some mercenaries when he was only half a year old. He was instead raised by his father, a business man and smuggler making affairs with the Hutts. However, when Yich had become eight years old, his Dad was killed by a Jedi. The only things Yich got were a ship, named Dark Blade, a black Cortosis blade and money enough to buy a small planet.
Yich left Nar Shaddaa without plans, not really thinking, and ended up on Kohlma. There, he managed to spy on Jango Fett when he was hired by Darth Tyranus. Yich knew he had a good chance to create his own army now; he simply stepped forward and spoke to Jango Fett about a possible deal; Yich would not reveal about Jango's and Tyranus' doings to the Jedi, and Jango would show Yich the way to Kamino and allow Yich to use him as the prime clone of his own, private army. Jango agreed.
After Jango and Tyranus had their business finished with the Kaminoans, Yich took contact with Prime Minister Lama Su. However, Su didn't want to make any business with an eight-years old boy; not until Yich first showed him all his money, and then pulled his sword and threatened the Kaminoan. Then, Su promised Yich to create an army just as fine as the one of the Republic, just far smaller. Yich ordered Su to create the best possible army they could for his money.
Yich knew it would take time until he could use his army; he went into exile for ten years, serving as a smuggler on Tatooine with his ship, the Dark Blade - a YT-1300 light freighter. There he created a small crew for his ship.
Crew of the Dark Blade[]
The first was a Wookiee; it's a pure coincidence that Han Solo later also would have a Wookiee on his YT-1300. The Wookiee on the Dark Blade was named Caabacca. He was a Wookiee smuggler who had been captured and tortured by Jabba the Hutt, until Yich traded some valuable cargo for the Wookiee's life. Caabacca swore a life debt to Yich, and became the gunner of the Dark Blade.
The second person to join Yich' crew was a Twi'lek named Alaandra. She had been captured by Bib Fortuna and taken as a slave; Yich bought her free from the slavery just because of her beauty, however when it proved she were an excellent pilot, she joined his crew as his co-pilot.
With this crew, Yich got a big income—at least for being a smuggler. So, he bought in an astromech droid to help with a repairs and engineering in the ship. He also bought the services of two Trandoshan mercenaries—much to Caabacca's anger. However, Yich actually managed to make these Trandoshans and Caabacca become, well, if not friends then at least far from enemies.
Clone Wars[]
Clone Army[]
As soon as Yich heard rumors about the Clone Wars, he rushed to Kamino to get his clone army; he realized they weren't safe there anymore, since Kamino would likely be a target of Separatist attacks. There, he and his crew were met by Lama Su. Su showed them his newly finished army—actually Yich had went there just before they would load the troops on a ship and contact him. What they saw astonished them.
Sixteen thousands of clone troopers, dozens of AT-TE and SPHA-T walkers, 80 attack gunships and 150 starfighters, all marching and flying into a Star Destroyer. They all knew this army would be enough to capture Coruscant. However, as soon as Yich was given command of his army with the position as General, he instead sat his course against a totally illogical location; Bandomeer.
He named his army the Black Army. The assault ship were given the name Emperor.
Ruler of Bandomeer[]
When the assault ship arrived on Bandomeer, Caabacca and Alaandra asked him what they was to do there. However, instead of answering, Yich ordered the clones to take control of the world for him. Thought he could see many of the clones didn't like the idea, they all followed the order and within a month, his control of the world was complete. He enslaved the Meeridians and Arconans, and had them begin work as miners for him. He knew that Bandomeer was rich of the mineral Azurite, and had heard rumors of that they also had Ionite. Lucky, it proved to be so, and after only a year, he was rich enough to build a new clone army. However, he made other plans. He did instead set his course for the ice world Ilum.