Star Wars Fanon

Throughout history, this moon has been the most strategic location for numerous battles during the existence of the galaxy. We knew it would be perfect for our final stand!
—Jaros Kon[src]

Yavin 4 was a forest moon of the gas giant Yavin in the outer rim that held many battles throughout galactic history.


The whole moon is covered with thick jungles full of much bio-diversity. Many ruins were left on the planet from the ancient Massassi. The planet included populated rivers and lakes, small canyons, and extensive valleys.


The forth moon of Yavin has been a critical part of the Galaxy's history in many ways. The most notable historical events occur around the fall of the Old Republic and to the end of the Galaxy. Before, a species of aliens that is now extinct called the Massassi had ruled the planet.

Old Republic[]

Before the Skywalker family became of importance, the one known affiliation with the system was when Exar Kun had initiated a battle on its surface. Years later, a rodian merchant named Suvam Tan ran an abandonned space station in its orbit selling various supplies. Revan was said to have visited this station during his conquest to destroy the Star Forge.

Clone Wars[]

The moon itself remained out of importance until about 4000 years later. After the Battle of Geonosis, the Confederacy had taken their remaining forces from the battle and hid out in the ruins with Count Dooku. The republic sent Mace Windu to the planet with a legion of clone troopers to finish them off.

Galactic Civil War[]

The planet then was the decided location of the secret rebel base to be built in a great massassi temple during the Galactic Civil War. After their location was discovered by the Galactic Empire, the Death Star was sent to destroy the whole planet. The rebellion had retalliated however and destroyed the space station in the most important space battle in history.

Battle of yavin

X-Wings off to the Battle of Yavin.

The Empire did not give up after this however. Immediately after the stations destruction, the Empire initiated a massive assault through their orbital defenses to finish off the base by ground battle.

New Jedi Order[]

After the Galactic Empire had fallen, Luke Skywalker decided to start his own Jedi academy there, to train the next generation of potential Jedi. There were many attempts to destroy the academy after its completion by organizations such as the Empire Reborn, where the dark jedi Desann failed to destroy it, and the Yuuzhan Vong, who successfully compromised the academy permenantly.


About 2000 years later, Yavin 4 was the chosen location by human Jedi Jaros Kon, for the surivors of every species in the galaxy to meet. It served as a sanctauary for the galactic nations to rest at while the galactic apocalypse occured throughout the galaxy. After the Sith leader Darth Markon discovered it however, he gathered his forces to fully eliminate them.

Jaros Kon had gathered all the nations and prepared them for a massive defense of the planet against the ruthless Omega Empire, in an ultimate final battle, the Galactic Armageddon. Although all forces fought nobly in battle within the massive Valley of Jasgor, ultimatley the Omega Empire was victorious, and then continued to completely finish off the Galaxy.

