Your powers are weak, old man.
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The fleet under my command is willing to join the Rebellion . . . for a price.
—Yasvan Harkov to Mon Mothma
Yasvan Harkov was a human male admiral in the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War, and a senior captain in the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars. Hailing from the Mid Rim planet of Sepan, he was considered to be a skilled naval officer, and strongly supported Galactic Republic. He fought the Confederacy of Independent Systems and thought that the Tactical Droids they used were pathetic. After the Clone Wars, he continued serving in the Imperial Navy but did not support the New Order fully. Despite that, he managed to pass Emperor Palpatine's purge of the Navy in the first month of the Empire. In 19 BBY named Max Harkov, who later attended the Corulag Officer Academy and became an ace test pilot. Yasvan witnessed many atrocities of the Empire firsthand (as he was ordered to commit many of them) and his dislike of the Empire grew. In 0 BBY, he decided to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic for a price. They gave him an offer, which he accepted but was heard doing so by Imperial Intelligence. Darth Vader quickly attacked Yasvan's fleet, and had his son Max take part in the operation. Yasvan was captured by Imperial Marines after his Imperial-class Star Destroyer was boarded. He was killed by Vader after a brief interrogation.