Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Yasorion Elakati was a Human male naval officer of the Sith Empire who reached the rank of Grand Admiral and later served as the Minister of War. Regarded as a brilliant tactician, Elakati fought in the Great Galactic War since the beginning of that conflict and went to serve in both the subsequent Cold War and Galactic War. In 3659 BBY he was one of the eleven officers promoted to the new rank of Grand Admiral by the Sith Emperor Vitiate, being the oldest and most experienced of the new college. He considered himself a loyalist of the Emperor and the Imperial Navy as an institution, later supporting Darth Acina's claim to the throne during the War of Imperial Succession.

By 3637 BBY Elakati was one of only two Grand Admirals left alive, the other being ace pilot Tyrak Corgin. Because of this he was chosen to command the defense fleet protecting the Imperial capital of Dromund Kaas when the Republic prepared to capture it in the final year of the Galactic War. Around the same time he was made the commander of the Navy. Despite his best efforts, the Imperial fleet was overwhelmed by the numerically superior Republic Navy and they were forced to retreat from the capital, which was soon captured by the Republic forces. With the fall of Dromund Kaas he joined the last surviving member of the Dark Council, Darth Acina, who proclaimed herself Empress of the Sith, and became the Minister of War in her new government.


Early life and career[]


Admiral Elakati

Born on the Imperial capital of Dromund Kaas in 3707 BBY to an aristocratic family of naval officers, Yasorion Elakati was determined to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors from a young age. He entered the Imperial Armada and was a 26-year old lieutenant commander by the time the Sith Empire launched its invasion of the Galactic Republic, beginning the Great Galactic War. Elakati's first combat experience was at the Battle of Sluis Van, as a gunnery officer aboard a Harrower-class dreadnought. Later that same year the dreadnought Elakati served on was part of the Imperial Armada's blockade of the Rimma Trade Route. Although the Empire lost against the Republic Navy's counterattack in the Seswenna sector which broke the blockade, during the battle he performed well and was promoted to commander. Elakati continued to rise through the ranks throughout the Great Galactic War, commanding a Terminus-class destroyer for several years before being promoted again, becoming a captain and commanding the warship Storm Fire.

It was during the captain's tenure on Storm Fire that he took part in the Battle of Hoth in 3665 BBY, under the command of Admiral Layek Davos, which became remembered as one of the major naval battles of the war and saw the involvement of hundreds of warships. Under Captain Elakati's command, Storm Fire directed starfighter squadrons to destroy larger experimental Republic vessels, developing the small-unit tactics using fighters and gunships that he would later become known for. However the ship sustained heavy damage after exchanging broadsides with the Republic flagship, the superdreadnought Star of Coruscant, and crashed to the surface of Hoth. Along with Admiral Davos and many other Imperial survivors, Elakati was recovered after spending six months of the frozen surface on the ice planet. He went on to receive another promotion to commodore and took part in the Battle of Balmorra on a planet-side assignment, being stationed as the naval attaché to the Empire's Balmorran puppet government at the Imperial embassy in Sobrik.

He finished his posting on Balmorra successfully and by 3659 BBY held the rank of admiral. That year, the Sith Emperor chose Elakati to be one of the eleven naval officers to be promoted to the new rank of Grand Admiral, which became the highest ranking members of the Imperial Military. Experienced and having proven to be an excellent tactician, Elakati was viewed by many in Fleet Command as a natural choice. He was among the officers selected to take part in fighting in the Coreward Front, a series of campaigns by the Sith Empire to push towards the Core Worlds and ultimately attack Coruscant. Elakati worked with fellow Grand Admiral Rilan Zatch and the pair were able to execute a number of offensives that dealt a series of blows to the Republic Navy and brought Imperial forces within striking distance. Beginning in 3656 BBY, the operation was complete after two years, although Darth Angral largely claimed the credit for the success of the two Grand Admirals.

Cold War[]

Conqueror dreadnaught

The Conqueror, his flagship.

By the time the Sacking of Coruscant brought about an end to the Great Galactic War in 3654 BBY with a treaty signed by the Republic and the Empire, he was given command of the dreadnought Conqueror. The Grand Admiral was also assigned by Darth Vengean and the Sphere of Military Offense as the chief of Imperial Forward Command, the Empire's main naval strike force. Despite his new position the naval officer was a supporter of the Treaty of Coruscant, believing that the galaxy did not necessarily have to be united under one government, and disapproved of the efforts of warmongers to reignite conflict. Still, in his role as chief of Forward Command, Grand Admiral Elakati took part in several Cold War incidents, including organizing a response to the Cademimu uprising, helping put down Darth Ikoral's pureblood revolt, and siding with the Imperial government during Darth Baras' coup attempt. He cooperated closely with Darth Magnus for some of these incidents and the two gained a respect for each other's abilities.

During that time Elakati also had a feud with fellow Grand Admiral Harridax Kirill. The former privateer was promoted to the rank of Grand Admiral after capturing Force-sensitive children and bringing them to the Sith on Korriban. While Elakati was indifferent to his act on a moral level, he did not believe it warranted the privateer's promotion to such a high rank. Elakati also despised the man's unnecessarily brutal and often flawed tactics, as well as his connections to the criminal underground. The rest of the aristocratic officer corps of the Empire shared his opinion. Thus the Grand Admiral was personally glad when he heard that Kirill was killed by the Republic in 3641 BBY.

Galactic War[]

Battle of Dromund Kaas space

The Imperial and Republic fleets fight over Dromund Kaas.

After the beginning of renewed war between the Republic and the Empire in 3641 BBY, the Grand Admiral organized a series of naval operations that saw the destruction of Republic Navy assets in the Unknown Regions and reestablished contact between the Sith and their ally, the Chiss Ascendancy. Even though by then Elakati had become disgusted by the constant infighting and backstabbing going on in the Dark Council, he distanced himself from it as much as he could and remained a neutral soldier of the Empire. That was why later that same year he refused to support his former ally Darth Magnus' New Empire, a government he established after the defeat of the Sith Emperor and his fall into hibernation at the hands of the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython. Magnus wanted to counter the corruption of the other Sith and declared himself the new Emperor. He extended an invitation to Grand Admiral Elakati as well as every other Imperial citizen. Still, the naval officer refused and eventually Magnus was defeated by a combination of Republic and Imperial forces.

As the Empire's counteroffensives against the Republic began failing in 3640 BBY, the Grand Admiral later took part in the successful Celanon campaign, though it was not enough to turn the tide. The Republic held the advantage and the Empire, following the loss of the Emperor and much of its higher ranking Sith leaders, was in the verge of collapse. Although Elakati did not take part in it, the Revanite crisis further weakened the Imperial war effort. By 3637 BBY the Empire was in an increasingly perilous position, and the Republic was preparing to strike into the very heart of the Sith domain. He was transferred from his position as the chief of Forward Command as the Navy was no longer capable of major offensive operations and sent to command the defense fleet of Dromund Kaas from an attack on the capital.

During the attack on the capital by the Republic he led the defense fleet to the best of his ability, while being outnumbered 3 to 1. The Grand Admiral's tactics of using fighters and gunships in small-unit coordinated strikes on Republic warships were effective but ultimately not enough to reverse the Republic's advantage. The defenders on the ground were overwhelmed by the attackers as the Imperial defense fleet did not have the strength to prevent the Republic from landing more troops. Eventually Darth Acina, a Dark Councilor overseeing the space battle, gave him permission to retreat from the system, and the Imperial fleet regrouped at nearby Jaguada. The ground battle was lost and the Imperial capital fell, striking a major blow for the Sith Empire.

Imperial power struggle[]


Personality and traits[]

Respected by the Imperial leadership for both his decades of experience and tactical brilliance, Elakati regarded himself as a simple soldier loyal to the Emperor and the Imperial Navy.

Grand Admirals of the Sith Empire
Vesek MakravenRymar HaddonYasorion ElakatiMikul Gargus
Agapos TakanTyrak CorginValion MadrekHarridax Kirill
Rilan ZatchNiral DesannMarino Sevir