Star Wars Fanon
Legacy era

Yamato Kamiya, also known at one point as Darth Acherous, was a Force user who was related to the Kamiya bloodline. A determined, strong-willed being, Yamato fought for what he believed was right and greatly opposed slavery and other organizations that threatened the stability of the galaxy. He was the leader of the Silent Fighters, a vigo in Black Sun, and has seen the Force from about every side, from Jedi to Sith. He was in love with Holly "Shadow" Raesha, the founder of the Silent Fighters.


From Corellian to Mandalorian[]

Yamato Kamiya was born on Corellia, to parents whose names are unknown. Because of his parents' belief that because of his name and that it might attract those such as bounty hunters and Sith, they sent him away to friends on the Mandalorian planet of Mandalore to be raised.

There, on Mandalore, Yamato learned much about the Mandalorian culture. He eventually graduated from the University of Keldabe.



Yamato as a mercenary.

Yamato went on his own and started living his life as a mercenary. He took a few oddjobs around the galaxy, here and there. It was around this time that he received a message from a mysterious dark looking man who had a job offer for him. Deciding to seek him out, Yamato was taken to Byss, a Sith world. The mysterious man revealed himself as a Sith, and soon recruited Yamato as a Sith Protector.

Yamato felt uncomfortable around the Sith and his new allies, feeling as though it wasn't his place to be. Bandar Yugen, a former Mandalorian and a bounty hunter discreetly approached him one day, planting the seeds of truth in his mind, revealing that the Sith were up to no good.

First Love and a New Path[]

One day, when Yamato went to Naboo, taking a break from his Sith role, he ran into a beautiful girl that dressed in a similar fashion as him, and could relate a lot with him as well. Her name was Lorelei, but insisted on being called "Lori." Smart, stubborn, a loner, and rebellious like him, she had stunning bright blue eyes and a brilliant streak of blond hair, which stood out well from the brown. They soon fell in love, seeming to love each other so much that they would never refuse each other.

Eventually the time came when Yamato quietly left the order of the Sith without their notice, and sought out Bandar for assistance. He suggested he contact the Jedi, aware that he had special abilities, specifically the Force. Yamato was soon accepted into the Jedi Order, and later discovered that he possessed the unique ability to generate and control fire and heat, apparently as "an extension of the Force," according to himself. Yamato eventually rose to the rank of Jedi Knight.


Yamato as a Jedi.

Dealing with Demons[]

Yamato's life as a Jedi began to be tested when he discovered that two other Jedi, particularly ones that he knew, were captured by the Sith on Byss. At a loss for how to proceed, he called the assistance of even more Jedi, to attempt to rescue the two captives. A great number of Jedi and Sith met on the planet, and negotiations were made, although they ended in failure.

The Sith requested that the group of Jedi leave, or else the prisoners would be killed. The Jedi, knowing they did not have much of a choice, decided to carefully send a couple of their own to free the two imprisoned Jedi, while the others tried to hold off the Sith. A bold attempt, that plan failed as well. Many on both sides were killed, including the two captive Jedi who were executed. Yamato was stricken with grief and stunned at the loss of so many individuals.

Soon afterwards, he was shocked to find out from Lorelei that she was hiding something within her, a demonic personality that was unleashed upon others whenever she became very stressed or angry. She would show no mercy whatsoever, possibly not even her love for Yamato. The only way it would be stopped was for Yamato to kill her.

Desperately not wanting to lose her, Yamato sought out other options, such as using the Force to wipe out the darkness from within her while saving her true self at the same time. Confident that he would save her, Yamato waited to use his newfound knowledge until the time was right, but that time never came until much later on, and under different circumstances. It was these two events that eventually helped shape the person he became.

The Silent Fighters[]

It was during the time that Yamato was searching for a way to save Lorelei that he met Holly "Shadow" Raesha, leader of the Silent Fighters on Naboo. Yamato was willing to join Holly's group, agreeing to her offer. He eventually rose to the rank of second in command later on. Together, they recruited new members, ranging from pilots, to bounty hunters, to rogue and Grey Jedi. They also conducted a series of raids against The Unubunko Gang, as well as a few other small criminal organizations. This was not only to gain more supplies and weapons for their cause, but also to lessen the threat of the other groups' illegal activities.

The Dark Times[]

Yamato had a nightmare sometime after his recruitment into the Silent Fighters, of Lorelei turning into a demon and turning against him, killing him and others, just as he feared. The dream felt so real that it troubled Yamato, and as a result he decided to seek advice about what to do from prevent the event he was afraid of from happening permanently.

Yamato's quest took him to the Sith planet Ziost, where he met Lady Tempest, a powerful but relatively benevolent Sith that also trained Holly for a time. Tempest became Yamato's mentor and taught him what he requested to the best of her ability, although unbeknownst to him, Tempest was actually teaching him about Sith techniques, which came to corrupt his mind with thoughts of betrayal, revenge, and power.

These thoughts finally took a hold on Yamato, turning him to the dark side. He still felt that Lorelei would betray him, but instead of trying to save her, he would kill her. Soon after his fall to the dark side, Yamato christened himself with the moniker Darth Acherous. He took full control over The Silent Fighters and began reforming it into an army for his own purposes, as well as making it bigger and stronger than it was before. Holly found herself stripped of her old rank and became a sort of outcast to the faction. She was devastated by this sudden turn of events and had no other choice to move onto other things.


Darth Acherous.

Acherous then went to the remains of Malachor V, where he hoped to seek more power so that he could be able to defeat Lorelei. There, he found the ancient mask of Darth Revan. Revan's mask was rumored to possess great mystical qualities, mostly enhancing one's abilities to the wearer. Realizing it would be a great asset, Acherous adopted it into his appearance as a Sith.

Before departing Malachor V, Acherous met Christie Homewood, who he sensed was strong in the Force and offered her to become his apprentice. Christie reluctantly accepted his offer, and the two endured many adventures.

One such adventure was shortly after Acherous discovered Christie's unique ability to use ice and cold to her advantage. Knowing that her powers would be dramatically improved with the creation of a special amulet, both Acherous and Christie traveled back to Malachor V, where they met the Underlord, the then current ruler of the dead planet and leader of a small Sith faction.

At first, the Underlord was skeptical of Christie, but after she demonstrated her abilities, he was quite impressed and decided to help her build an amulet made out of ice. The amulet, although made from a solid that could melt, was infused with the dark side of the Force to keep the object forever intact. The amulet worked just as Acherous thought it would, enhancing and improving upon Christie's abilities.

It was also around this time that both her and Acherous fell in love until she disappeared almost a year later.

The Strike on Nar Shaddaa[]

Before Christie disappeared, however, Acherous, along with her, headed a strike against The Unubunko Gang on Nar Shaddaa, one that shook the very foundations of the organization. Two weeks later, the criminal faction fell apart and dissolved.

Confrontation and Redemption[]

Acherous and Christie eventually finally confronted Lorelei. Seeing this would be the only chance he would get to destroy her, Acherous taunted Lorelei until she finally viciously attacked him. The duel was fast and furious, and in the end Acherous beat her down, both him and Christie leaving her for dead. It has been unknown if Lorelei survived or not.

Sometime after Christie's disappearance, Yamato began to have second thoughts of being Darth Acherous, or a Sith, for that matter. His insights proved right when he had a vision of great danger and destruction as a result of his doing as a Sith. Yamato soon quit his role as a Sith, and refrained from using the Force for a very long time until he was called upon to use it again in the future.

Back as a Mercenary[]


Yamato wearing Mandalorian armor.

Yamato returned to Mandalore to visit his family, only to find that they were gone. Instead, a full set of Mandalorian armor was left for him as a gift, and he wore it ever since, making his own modifications and adjustments to it. With this, he went back to his old mercenary ways and did the same with the Silent Fighters, with them becoming a mercenary faction once again as well.

Around this time, Holly returned back to The Silent Fighters, surprised at all that had changed. She was reinstated as founder and leader of the group and it wasn't long after that that both Yamato and Holly fell in love.

Raze's Terror[]

A month and a half later, Holly received an anonymous tip about a data disk on Ord Mantell that held a great amount of useful information. She decided to go to Ord Mantell alone, with Yamato left to deal with the Silent Fighters on his own. A week or so after, however, he received a report that falsely stated that Holly was dead. Yamato was stricken with grief, but pushed on with the faction with him at the head.

Soon afterward, Yamato established a base for the group on Coruscant, and, as a result of their time on the planet and working with the Jedi and others, became a sort of galactic police force, although most of their efforts were focused on protecting Coruscant from opposing factions, like the New Confederacy of Independent Systems, headed by a clone of General Grievous.

Around this time was the reappearance of Christie, who was slightly disappointed when she found out that Yamato was in a relationship with Holly, but still stayed best friends with him. Not long after Yamato and Christie reunited, appearances were being reported around Coruscant, mostly at the Jedi Temple, about a Force creature named Raze, which was in reality a reincarnated form of the ancient Sith ruler King Adas. Raze threatened the inhabitants of the planet, mostly focusing his attention on the Jedi there, seeking to possess some of them.

Yamato encountered Raze and battled him many times, alongside the other Jedi and Christie. There was one such encounter when Yamato was patrolling the airspace near The Silent Fighters' base in his X-Wing. His ship was disabled when Raze seemingly appeared out of nowhere and rammed Yamato's starfighter, sending it crashing to the surface below. Yamato was gravely injured; a piece of shrapnel had become lodged in his heart, sending him into cardiac arrest. Christie, realizing that she was the only one that could save him, calmly removed the shrapnel from Yamato's chest and healed his wounds with the Force.

During Yamato's battles with Raze, he decided to follow his own path for good, and became somewhat of a Grey Jedi.


Yamato as a Grey Jedi.

Shortly afterwards, Holly turned up alive and rejoined Yamato. As it turned out, when she got to Ord Mantell looking for the data disk, it turned out to be a trap, and as a result she was ambushed by four Dark Jedi who knocked her unconscious and threw her into a ditch, covering it with junk. The Dark Jedi left Holly for dead, but one of them knew of her relationship to Yamato and sent back a fabricated report to him, falsely stating that Holly was dead.

Holly focused on dedicating her time with her and Yamato's faction, and eventually Raze was destroyed on Yavin IV.

Holly's Mission and Trouble on Tatooine[]

At some point, after the death of Raze, Holly set out to the Vergesso Asteroids, to take revenge upon a madman named Handon Crask who had threatened several of her friends and killed them. Soon after, Yamato and Jaina Halcyon, a fellow member of the Silent Fighters, set out to Tatooine together, to investigate rumors of a rebel alliance that operated in one of the major cities on the planet. Their suspicions proved correct when they came upon the Rebel's base in Mos Eisley. Meeting the general there, they discovered that Mos Eisley was under Imperial control and that the rebellion was created to overthrow them.

Both Yamato and Jaina agreed to help the Rebellion, but their support to the resistance didn't last long. The Imperial garrison stationed in the city happened to locate the base, surrounding it so those inside could not escape. The Rebel general was forced to surrender to the Imperial forces, while Yamato and Jaina escaped unnoticed and met up with two other members of the resistance. Together, they formed a plan to rescue the general, but Yamato was left unaware of these plans as they snuck aboard the orbiting Imperial Star Destroyer.

The rescue attempt turned out to be a near total failure, with both Yamato and Jaina being captured. It didn't take long, however, for Jaina to break out of her captivity and steal a ship. Realizing it wouldn't be easy to escape the perimeter of the star destroyer because of its tractor beam, Jaina flew her ship outside and disabled the tractor beam with her cannons. She returned to the hangar of the star destroyer where Yamato was waiting for her, and they returned to Tatooine's surface together.

Once on the surface, Yamato was upset at not only the inability that he was not informed of the Rebels' plan to rescue the general, but also the fact that it seemed to be a suicide mission and that Jaina appeared to almost abandon him on board the Imperial's starship. Acting unusually aggressive and rash, Yamato Force choked Jaina, tossing her into the hull of the starfighter they landed in, and ran off. He left in a ship to Dromund Kaas to speak to his friend Charly, who was a member of the Krath.

Jaina found them there, in one of the many temples that dotted the planet. Yamato, who was extremely angered by Jaina's appearance, attacked them both, easily defeating them. A Dark Jedi happened to be nearby the scene, and also met a similar fate to Jaina and Charly's when she challenged him. Help arrived not long afterward in the form of a couple of Jedi who healed both Jaina and Charly. Although Yamato was still furious, Charly was able to calm Yamato down, and he apologized to his friends, who respectfully accepted.

Danger on Coruscant[]


Yamato Kamiya, Black Sun vigo.

About a half a year later, the Empire, combined with the forces of the Sith, invaded and took over Coruscant, which put The Silent Fighters in danger. Yamato alerted to all of his recruits that the Imperials were cleaning out the planet of any stragglers, especially Force users. Jaina was one of the few who weren't quite successful in avoiding Imperial authorities. Yamato, normally optimistic as he was, decided to take matters into his own hands and attempted to speak with the Imperials outside the base. After an argument that seemingly went nowhere, both Jaina and Yamato chose to fight their way out. Yamato was subdued by Imperial forces, but Jaina escaped and fled to Kashyyyk.

Not longer afterwards, Yamato was rescued by a group of Jedi along with Jaina. Knowing that if they went back to Coruscant they would be killed, Yamato and Jaina abandoned their base and headed to the Smuggler's Moon of Nar Shaddaa, where they hoped to keep a low profile away from the Empire and the Sith.

Black Sun[]

Shortly after Yamato's relocation to Nar Shaddaa, he ran into Holly, who had seemed different to him. As a possible relation to her change in her personality, she formed an alliance between the Silent Fighters and Black Sun, after she had spoken with Cayce Urriah, the Black Sun Queen. Yamato was not very trusting of Cayce at first and immediately knew that something was wrong with Holly. Each time Yamato tried to help her, it was a step closer to a confrontation between them both.


Yamato Kamiya and Lady Raesha just before a duel on Nar Shaddaa

During these issues between Yamato and Holly, Yamato became a vigo within Black Sun, and Holly started to call herself "Lady Raesha." Holly eventually attacked Yamato at least twice on Nar Shaddaa, in which Yamato concluded that the only way to save Holly was to sacrifice himself.

Holly fled to Mustafar with Yamato closely following her there. A great lightsaber duel ensued on the planet, with it almost ending in Yamato's death. Holly was about to finish him off when she realized what she was doing was wrong. Frantically, she tried to heal Yamato with the Force as best she could, and then quickly brought him back to Nar Shaddaa to be fully treated in a bacta tank. As a result of what happened, Holly fled the planet.

It was around this time that Yamato decided to found Ordo Jin, along with Cayce. Among its first members were Christie Homewood and Jaina. A week later, Holly returned, even colder and more bitter than she was originally towards Yamato, even going so far as to telling him that she hated him. Apparently, her experience with nearly killing Yamato did not save her, it only made her worse.

Another week passed, and Yamato talked to Holly, telling her how much she meant to him and that her actions were making him miserable and even getting to the point where it was turning him to the dark side. Holly considered it, and finally gave up, breaking down in tears knowing she had taken the wrong path. It was then that Holly had redeemed herself, and the two mended their relationship.

Behind the Scenes[]

Yamato Kamiya is a character within the Star Wars Roleplaying Community in the virtual online game Second Life. Darth Acherous came from the word "Acheron," which is a river in Hell for those who deny justice. Acheron was also one of the finalist names in the Darth Who Contest, in which Star Wars fans could vote for the Sith name of Jacen Solo, revealed in Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice. The winning name was Darth Caedus. Parts of Yamato's history, and personality, were inspired by the character Wolverine from the X-Men series.
