Star Wars Fanon


Your powers are weak, old man.

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Xyonians are an ancient species dating back to the earliest days of the Galaxy that are nearly physically identical to Humans (Xyonians are often erroneously believed to be Near-Humans). The only physical destinctions between Xyonians and Humans are the Xyonians' wider ranger of hair and eye color as well as pronounced canine fangs.

The natural intellegence of the Xyonian species is said to rival that of the Columi. They are also considered to be far stronger, faster, agile, and durable than even peak Humans. The strength of an old and emaciated Xyonian can be compared to the strength of an adult Wookiee.

Nearly every Xyonian appears to be force-sensitive to some capacity. With this force-sensitivity comes unique psychic abilities. The most notable of these is their incredible "temporal awareness". To put it simply they are able to perceive future events before they occur. Through their dreams they can see "what should be, what could be, and what must never be" about a specific event. Unfortunately these dreams are sporadic, unpredictable, and sometimes clouded. Even with the drawbacks, the Xyonians clairvoyance is said to be greater than any Jedi or Sith.


Internally, Xyonians appear to have similar organs to Humans, however it would appear that they have two of what Humans have one of, and four of what Humans have two of. Examples include; two hearts, four lungs, etc. Despite these extra organs Xyonians do not appear any larger than their Human counterparts. One unique organ they have, through methods unknown, is able to digest anything the Xyonian consumes and convert it into muscle mass. This includes things normal Humans would be unable to digest such as rocks or metal. Unlike many races, Xyonians are able to take conscience control their biology.

The mental and physical capabilities of the lowliest Xyonians are still four times greater than the capabilities of the greatest baseline Human.


The average Xyonian lives around 1,000 years. High-Born Xyonians of the Great Houses (thus born from Looms) live 10x longer with a lifespan of 10,000 years.

Regardless of origin, all Xyonians age at the same rate as Humans from the day they are born until the age of 20, when the aging slows drastically. "Low-Born" Xyonians physically age roughly one year every fifteen years while "High-Born" Xyonians age one year every one-hundred-fifteen years.
