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Rebellion era

Xorgzimmur Thraloftish was a male Pliper crimelord who joined the Rebellion in it's infancy and became a soldier in Rebel Group MT50. He was the brother of the powerful Black Sun chief Fechuxonggo Thraloftish.


Born on Rhinnal in 37 BBY, he became a small time crime lord in the Darpa sector after the Clone Wars. Senator Gabrial Atanna arranged for his criminal activities to be shut down, leaving Thraloftish broke and on the run. In 2 BBY, he joined the Rebellion. His first assignment was to place a tracer inside an Imperial transport called the Farrmilius III while it was docked on Ulkaspob II. He nearly succeeded but was caught by Captain Bawr Neruel and his Vurk pilot. Shooting both of them, Thraloftish hijacked the transport and escaped the planet. He traveled to Smuggler's Run to change the ship's identity. Then he went to Saleucami to deliver the transport to a Rebel agent. While he was there, he helped several Wroonian sympathizers identify seven Imperial observers in the city.

On Alk'lellish III he tried to gain the support of the local Lellish by destroying an illegal hunting party led by the wealthy Imperial officer, Mullon Benelvos. The Lellish had too much fear of the Empire, however, and they chased Thraloftish offworld. In 0 BBY, he became one of the first members of Rebel Group MT50 and he was its earliest casualty, dying in a battle on Kraa Butha.
