Welcome, seeker. According to this holocron's calculations, it has been exactly 24,876 years since this recording was made. My name is Xef Ru'et. I am - or was - the chief architect of the city of Pison. It was I who wrote the Pisonic Concordat that laid the foundations of the Olarian Freehold. It was also me, who murdered our king Radavasus, in cold blood after a successful coup.
—Ru'et's projection speaks to Revan
Xef Ru'et was a Force-sensitive male Olarian who lived in the years before the founding of the Galactic Republic. Ru'et was a steward to an Old King of Olara Prime named Radavasus, who Ru'et later murdered in an attempt to overthrow his kingdom. Ru'et was the builder and chief architect of Pison City and the mysterious founder of the Olarian Freehold. Among his accomplishments, Ru'et was also an esteemed artist, engineer, architect, philosopher, poet, inventor, scientist, mathematician, writer, astronomer, warrior, and politician.
Xef Ru'et lived during the Olarian Revolution and the High Olarian Renaissance.