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Xeebio Bent was a Paigun criminal from Ansion.
His father was murdered in 57 BBY and his father's company was taken over by an Aiyashi named Redox Berotti instead of going to his mother. Berotti's poor management of the company caused it to go out of business in two years. Enraged at the mismanagement of his father's legacy, Xeebio decided to kill Berotti. In 54 BBY, he ambushed the Aiyashi as he was examining a crashed podracer in the Crags and murdered him. Afterwards, he decided to go after his father's killer, a Poss'Nomin named Azuulo Sibrake. Outside the Athrun Theater in Doigon, he shot and killed his target.
After he murdered Sibrake, a bounty of 1,500 credits was placed on his head by Soergg Vosadii Bezhin, the Poss'Nomin's employer. Fearing for his life, he fled the planet and Vosadii raised his bounty to 10,000 credits. Arriving on Phorliss in 50 BBY, he hired himself out to Seroy Xeyuth, a Spelch criminal with ties to the Black Sun. For two years, he managed to fight off or kill any bounty hunter that found him. However, in 48 BBY he was captured by a Sullustan bounty hunter, constable Aneb Teinulb. Teinulb took him to Seorgg who placed him in a dungeon after paying the bounty hunter.
Black Sun[]
After spending a day in prison, he was rescued by his younger brother, Miika, who had just escaped the Kander Regional Correctional Facility. They escaped to Phorliss and joined the Black Sun with the help of Seroy Xeyuth. Xeebio worked specifically for a Bivall member of the Black Sun named Xower Bonuth who trained him to be an assassin. One of his assignments took him to Lijuter to kill a Houk claiming to be descended of Skadge and heir to the Black Sun. In 37 BBY he killed Sulyik Bhurms, a Kashirim thief lord who lived in the hills of Darstell 4.
Death and Legacy[]
In 35 BBY he was captured by security forces on Thustra and charged with the murder of a member of the royal family. He stayed in prison for six years and then was executed in 29 BBY. He had two daughters named Kili and Wazzura.