Star Wars Fanon

Xanus Baran was a Jedi Master of the New Jedi Order. A survivor of the Great Jedi Purge, Baran was a founding member of Luke Skywalker's restored Jedi Order and held a seat on the Jedi High Council. Following Skywalker's death at the end of the Imperial Sith War, Baran became Grand Master and led the Jedi in the Glorian War, during which he met his own demise.


Early life and training[]

Born on Alderaan into an influential royal family, Xanus Baran was given his current name by the Jedi Order when he was taken in at a very young age. This was at his parents' request, who did not want their name associated with the Jedi. As such, Baran never found out who his parents were or what family he belonged to.[1]

Jedi Master Allusis

Jedi Master Morin Tharr

Trained as a Jedi Initiate by Master Yoda, Baran was eventually taken on as an apprentice by Master Morin Tharr at the age of twelve. Despite Tharr's aggressive personality, which sometimes clashed with Baran's more peaceful mindset, the two got along remarkably well. Whenever the two were sent on diplomatic missions, Baran was usually the one doing the talking, as Tharr tended to get heated rather easily.[1]

Although they were the same age, Baran rarely interacted with Anakin Skywalker. They only met once before the Clone Wars while accompanying their masters on a diplomatic mission to Abednedo. Baran found Skywalker's arrogant and cocksure attitude to be off-putting and the two did not get along very well. He was more than ecstatic when he and his master were reassigned to deal with pirates on Andelm IV.[1]

Knighthood and the Clone Wars[]

A few months before the beginning of the Clone Wars, Baran passed the Jedi Trials and ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight. Following the Battle of Geonosis, he was made a Jedi General and led the 97th Horn Company alongside General Eeth Koth.[1]

Four years after their previous encounter, Baran met Anakin Skywalker during the Battle of Akiva. Although he still found the Chosen One to be self-appreciative and cocky, he recognized Skywalker's cunning and intelligence in coordinating the battle. At the same time, Skywalker appreciated Baran's more straightforward way of thinking and it was the combination of these two skills that won the Republic the battle. The two parted ways with a mutual respect towards each other.[1]

In 19 BBY, Baran was stationed at the Jedi Academy on Waldis when Order 66 was delivered to the clone troopers. As the clones fired on the Initiates and their tutors, Baran took down as many of them as he could before being forced to retreat, taking the only surviving youngling—a Zabrak named Donhran Remker—with him. Rather than take pursuit, the clone troopers instead destroyed the Academy with an AT-TE walker to ensure their demises. Assuming Baran and Remker to be dead, the Republic departed from Waldis, unaware that Baran and Remker had in fact survived. Due to Waldis' remote location, the Empire never bothered to return to Waldis, allowing Baran and Remker to live in peace among the natives of the planet.[1]

A new dawn[]

Following the fall of the Sith and the fragmentation of the Empire in 4 ABY, a young Jedi Knight by the name of Luke Skywalker—son of Anakin Skywalker—set out in search for surviving Jedi. Around 7 ABY, he found Baran and Remker on Waldis and offered them to join his new Jedi. The two agreed and Baran later became a founding member of the New Jedi Order, holding a seat on the restored Jedi Council.[1][2]

In 10 ABY, Baran and Remker, along with Baran's other apprentice Kyle Katarn, were sent to the swamp world of Zegris to find Baran's former master Morin Tharr. After a confrontation with the Sith Lord Darth Nemesis, who bore an uncanny resemblance to Anakin Skywalker, Baran was summoned back to the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4, where he told the other Jedi Masters of his encounter.[3]

As it turned out, the Sith turned out to belong to a greater order ruled by Darth Vorath. In 25 ABY, the Sith Order of Vorath took control of the remnants of the Empire and launched an attack against the New Republic. Along with the other Jedi Masters, Baran served as a leader once again in the war against the Sith.

In the second and last year of the war, Vorath's Sith made an assault on Coruscant. While many Jedi fell, the Dark Lord of the Sith was soon defeated by Luke Skywalker and his apprentice Toah Jarsan. However, Skywalker died during the final conflict and Baran was pushed to the rank of Grand Master by the rest of the Council, a duty he would carry with great burden.[4]

Grand Master[]

In the nine years that followed, Baran continued to expand and build the New Jedi Order as was Skywalker's wish. By 35 ABY, the Jedi were nearly two thirds of what the old Jedi Order had been over fifty years ago.

In that same year, the alien race known as the Glorians began their invasion of the galaxy. Like Skywalker before him, Master Baran led the Jedi in the resulting Glorian War, aiding the Galactic Alliance in battling the shape-shifting invaders.

A year into the war, the Jedi made contact with another Jedi Order known as the Dark Jedi Order, led by a clone of Toah Jarsan who went by the identifier "Revanchist". During a trip to Dromund Kaas, where the Dark Jedi were located, Baran was captured by the Glorians, along with the Revanchist, and taken to Crseih Station. There the two were brought before the mastermind behind the Glorian War: Waru.[5]

When the Jedi Knight Jaden Korr came to Crseih Station to find Baran, Waru used his powers to swap bodies with the Jedi Grand Master, trapping Baran in the inter-dimensional alien's body. Korr was then forced to kill Baran's body when Waru used it to fight him. Not long afterwards, after Waru's minions had reawakened the spirit of the Sith Valtheran, the Glorians vacated the station, leaving behind Waru's body and the trapped spirits of Baran and the Revanchist.[6]

Following the end of the Glorian War, which resulted in the death of Waru and the defeat of the Glorian Empire, Jaden Korr led the other Jedi back to Crseih Station where they found Waru's body and Baran's tormented spirit within. Unable to reverse what had been done to him, the Jedi joined together and allowed Baran's spirit to pass on and become one with the Force.

Personality and traits[]

Xanus Baran was a calm and peaceful man, which was often at odds with the more aggressive Morin Tharr and Anakin Skywalker. If anything, he had more in common with Skywalker's master Obi-Wan Kenobi and some believed that Kenobi and Tharr should have swapped apprentices. During the Clone Wars, Baran always went for the more peaceful solution, often offering negotiations with his Separatist opponents. Only when they refused and responded with violence did Baran ever decide to dray his lightsaber.


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 The Essential Guide to Star Wars Destiny
  2. The Last of the Old
  3. Rise of the Dark Empire
  4. The End of All Days
  5. The Star Forge
  6. Dawn of Armageddon