Rage is a powerful emotion; a well of power that is as deep as it is potent, indeed. But it requires discipline to channel, lest you reduce yourself to a slavering beast. To be Sith is to be much more than an empty-minded brute. Master yourself or be destroyed.
—Darth Aranth
Xanathe Sinan, also known as Darth Aranth, was a male Pureblood Sith Lord of the reconstituted Sith Empire.
Early life[]
My boy... my dear, beautiful boy... you have a destiny. The dark side whispers to me, shows me glimpses of your glory. It is... beautiful. You will one day claim what your father has denied you. I'm sure of it.
Xanathe was born on Dromund Kaas, the bastard son of a Sith Lord named Ashaan and a servant woman named Ishale. He was born a slave, one of many owned by lord Ashaan. Although Ashaan considered the infant little more than a stain on his standing, he nevertheless permitted the boy to stay and live on his estate. This was not out of love, but cold pragmatism: Ashaan wouldn't dispose of what he could use or profit from. As a result, Xanathe's earliest years were little more than hunger and misery, surviving only on the most bare minimum of sustenance afforded to him and his mother.
Personality and traits[]
The Jedi deny themselves their emotions and passions, true. But do not dismiss this as weakness or folly. They are a match for Sith, as keenly demonstrated throughout the aeons, their nauseating tranquility a rather curious source of power...
—Darth Aranth
Although he looked little more than a brute, Xanathe was in fact a sharp and analytical - almost philosophical - thinker.
Physical description[]

Darth Aranth wearing his personal suit of armor.
A beast of a man.
—Sonnal Auten
Xanathe was quite an intimidating individual, easily towering over others. He possessed a brutish, musclebound physique.
Powers and abilities[]
Lightsaber abilities[]
Behind the scenes[]
The visual inspiration for Xanathe's lightsabers can be found here.