Star Wars Fanon
Post-Legacy era

The Order had only three infants at the moment: Siobhan; a tiny, sick Impar whose ears changed color every time he sneezed; and a tiny something-or-other which clutched its species' analog of a bottle. Every time the tiny alien sucked on the long, snakelike rubber tube, it deflated a little bit. When she smiled, it smiled back, exposing six long, hollow fangs.
—Jira Zaffrod's observations of Siobhan, Quenam, and Wyriz

Wyriz (/ˈwɪər.ɪz/, and fully Wyriziniffichiyizzinchyirithytzkish) was a male Narxoxicrar Novice of the Order of Keltrayu. He was recruited shortly after birth and taken to the Citadel, where he was placed in the care of the Order's nursery droid, though he was often tended to by Jira Zaffrod and Rayne Turgachia as well. He grew up alongside the Impar shapeshifter Quenam Kasafee and Jira's daughter Siobhan, and all three became close friends—so close, in fact, that other Order members called them "Sioquyriz" as a group. "Sioquyriz" were also very close with Rayne, and all three enjoyed visiting her at every opportunity.

As a young child, Wyriz was the most physically energetic of the three friends, and would climb anything nearby—desks, chairs, support struts, and even living people who held still long enough. He occasionally bit others as a sign of frustration, though Rayne weaned him off this early in life lest he become addicted to her half-Qua blood. Though Siobhan was usually the ringleader of the three, Wyriz could be bullish and obstinate when the mood struck him. He was also the most outwardly demonstrative; even when words failed him, he would hiss, bare his teeth or claws, or give some other indication of his feelings.
