Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

I requested this assignment, in fact. I'd served aboard Wrangler during the last war, and wanted to make sure the old girl got back in action as soon as possible.
—Major Ethan Decamp, to Laera Reyolé[src]

Wrangler was an Interdictor-class cruiser that served with the Republic Navy during the Mandalorian Wars. Among the first of her class to be produced for the Galactic Republic, after a successful shakedown cruise the vessel was assigned to the overall command of Admiral Saul Karath. When Revan and Malak joined the war effort, Wrangler was assigned to their fleet, where she participated in most of the battles of the war's last campaign, with the Jedi Knight Xaset Terep assigned as its liaison.

During the Jedi Civil War, Wrangler joined the Sith Empire created by Darths Revan and Malak. When ordered to participate in the attack on Foerost, the warship's captain refused, and he was summarily executed by Terep as the Dark Jedi took command for himself. After a series of unsuccessful rogue actions against the Republic, Terep eventually lost control, which resulted in the deaths of much of the vessel's crew before he was confronted and defeated by a company of Sith troopers loyal to Lieutenant Commander Josef Farfax and Lieutenant Secar Dunnigal. Wrangler then sat the spacelanes with her gravity well projectors activated in order to find a Republic warship to surrender to.

Relief came in the form of Battleaxe, a fellow Interdictor cruiser in service with the Republic Navy. Its captain, Nirkk Tethet, offered to bring the vessel along with him to an appointed rendezvous with the fleet under Vice Admiral Forn Dodonna. The crew agreed, and Wrangler was brought to the jumping-off point for the mission to capture Revan; after some explanation, Farfax and Dunnigal agreed to join the coming attack and helped see to the warship's repair and reporvisioning with what Admiral Dodonna's forces could spare. In the battle itself Wrangler fought alongside Battleaxe, protecting the flagship, Vibrosword and utilizing its remaining functional Sith interceptors as flying bombs.

