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Wollwi Enan was a female Human Jedi Knight from Berchest, living during the waning years of the Galactic Republic.
Discovered to be Force-sensitive at a very young age, Enan was taken to the Jedi Temple of Coruscant for training. Sometime in 32 BBY, Wollwi made her first encounter with Anakin Skywalker. She was surprised, after learning from Jedi Master Mace Windu, that Anakin was revealed to be the Chosen One. In 26 BBY, she participated in the Temple's annual Apprentice Tournament, in which she duelled and bested Telloti Cillmam'n. Two years later, during the start of the Separatist Crisis, Enan attained the rank of Jedi Knight.
Before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Wollwi was stationed at the Temple around the time of the vote on the Military Creation Act in the Galactic Senate. She was one of two hundred Jedi to respond to Master Windu's call and joined his strike team dispatched to Geonosis to rescue fellow Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala from execution by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Landing on the planet, Enan and her fellow Jedi stormed inside the Petranaki arena and engaged hundreds of battle droids of the Separatist Droid Army. Hoping to protect Anakin, Enan was killed by a sheer number of droids that shot her down. As she tumbled to the ground, she died with a smile, knowing that she fulfilled her purpose in saving Anakin.
After her death, Wollwi's spirit moved on to Peace and entered the Netherworld of the Force to learn a technique, allowing her to linger in the physical universe as a Force ghost once she retained her identity. She would watch Anakin Skywalker fall to the dark side and become Darth Vader. However, in 4 ABY, he returned to the light side when he gave his life to save his son Luke Skywalker and fulfilled the prophecy in bringing balance to the Force.
- Hammer (First mentioned)
- Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (First appearance)