In the end, during the final battle between good and evil, they with both destroy each other. I have been both, and neither have fulfilled the tasks that could prevent their destruction. When good and evil is destroyed, the entire galaxy will belong to the grays and the cycle will continue, some becoming bad and some becoming evil until they are both destroyed. This shall happen over and over again, as this is the way of life. However, those who stay gray throughout it all will end up the true victors, the only ones who can say they have lived a full life without destroying their ways. I am a gray, and though you think so greatly of yourself "Master", I far surpass the likes of you.
—Wolfe to Jedi Grand Master Tom Skywalker
The clone of Mandalorian Knight Cassius Ordo, and while serving as a Jedi trained under Grand master Tomas Skywalker and while serving as a Sith trained future Emperor of the Sith Darth Kratus. Because of his affiliation with both, Wolfe ended up as the hero of the Outer Rim War. In his later life however, Wolfe turned on his friends and destroyed the new Jedi order while under the control of the Maximus. During the period of the Final Sith Uprising, after Karen Solo destroyed the Maximus, Wolfe remained the final Jedi in the galaxy, and trained fifteen student, forming the third Jedi order, The Primal Order.
Born in 7,600 ABY, Wolfe spent his early years in the Mandalorian Profico Laboratories (MPL), before being bought by a rich Huttese slave trader from Naboo at the age of three. There, he suffered through severe torture at the hands of his master until at the age of ten, he took part in an escape along with his best friend and fellow slave Salvio Moridana. Salvio was the son of a high ranking Sith Lord, and thus tried to convince Wolfe to come with him to join the order, as both of the children seemed to be force-sensitive. Wolfe agreed and they set off on their journey, however when Wolfe started to have second thoughts, Salvio became overwhelmed with anger and attempted to kill his friend. Wolfe managed to disarm Salvio and steal his ship, and after leaving his former friend on an unknown planet set off to the planet of Coruscaunt to find the Jedi Master Tomas Skywalker, where he soon joined the order as a Padawan under Tom. Crafting himself a green Lightsaber, Wolfe trained for many years until he was an eighteen-year-old Jedi Knight, and he had a visit from his old friend Salvio, now a Sith Apprentice of the Emperor now acting under the name of Darth Strider. Bringing back past memories of his cruel childhood, Wolfe cut off Strider's arm is a fit of rage. Pleased with himself for allowing Wolfe to become controlled by his emotions, Strider finally managed to convince Wolfe to go to the Dark Side, and they set off on their journey to the planet of Hoth where Wolfe joined his old friend as one of the Emperor's apprentices.
The Emperor was a cruel Sith by the name of Darth Krane, and he took quite a liking to Wolfe as he saw the confusion and darkness inside of his soul. At the age of 20, Strider and him became Sith Lords, and Wolfe took upon himself the name of Darth Howler (perhaps a parody of his first name). Less than half a year later, while battling a group of Jedi Knights on Naboo, Howler found a young slave boy by the name of Kiir Fando and saw the pain that he felt inside, the same pain that he himself had felt as a young boy, and attempted to take him on as his apprentice. The boy did not want to join the order however, and so Howler spent the next two years torturing him, corrupting him, until Kiir finally became far more evil than Howler could ever be, no good left inside of his soul or body. Less than a year later, when Kiir was only the young age of twelve he set off to murder the Emperor, instantly taking on his title. Horrified that he had caused this boy to become this at such a young age, Howler attempted to use the force to stop the boy. Yet, Kiir truly had no good left inside of him, and knowing that his master was reconsidering his way of life, attempted to kill him. However, Howler was still extremely skilled, and managed to take the upper-hand, wounding Kiir and fleeing away back to his home planet for the first time since he was three, feeling neither good nor evil and instead deciding to join the Mandalorians and becoming a bounty hunter.
He was a Mandalorian for many years, and as the Sith and the Jedi destroying the galaxy during the Outer Rim War, he found himself asked for help from his former mentor, a member of Yoda's species, Poneer. Ponny told him that neither of the two sides would stop, and only one of both could stop them. Tom thought that Wolfe, with strong ties to the leaders of both sides, could be the hero of this war. Wolfe was angered at his former master, and stormed away, however half a month later he came back and accepted Ponny's offer, however noted that this did not mean he was siding back with the Jedi. He fought in the war for three years, until he lead a Jedi army on Hoth to siege the Sith headquarters, and finally got them to sign a peace treaty, and Wolfe instantly became the hero of the war, however still returned back to his Mandalorian ways for several years. However, Kiir (now under the name of Darth Kratus) was far from defeated, and with the help of Dr. Kandon Vil, created a clone of himself with strange, mind control abilities by the name of the Maximus. Maximus warped Wolfe's mind and forced him to destroy all of the jedi, and the Sith finally became the rulers of the galaxy.
However, half a year later, while Wolfe was serving on patrol at Hoth along with Maximus, they drew their sabers, as a young woman by the name of Karen came to their base sporting a blaster and the Mandalorian logo. They battled for a short time, however the girl who seemed to be extremely skilled a good shot in at Maximus, and in less than twelve minutes he fell dead to the ground. Instantly, Wolfe was broken from Maximus' control and realized that he was the only one who could stop the Sith from taking over the universe. Along with Karen, of whom he discovered was a descendant of Han Solo, he made a third Jedi order, this one a sect of the Mandalorians and with a list of principles that were a cross between the old orders and the Mandalorian neutral ways. Opening an academy on the distant planet of Dagobah, he taught fifteen students, the first members of the order. He later married Karen and had three sons, each of which would later enroll in the Academy.
Prophecies and Saviors (Before 7,600 ABY)[]

Yoda foretelling Wolfe's Rise
Appear to me, he did not. He seems to be connected to him somehow, this other jedi.
—Grandmaster Yoda predicting Wolfe's rise
Thousands of years before his birth, Wolfe's rise was predicted by the spirit of Grandmaster Yoda at the death of Cade Skywalker. Yoda had been subject to the vision during his lifetime, however, he had waited for the right time to tell it. The vision showed Wolfe and Karen, along with the eighteen students battling the Sith on Naboo, and Darth Krane killing Wolfe. Yoda explained that the true savior of the galaxy, destroyer of the sith, had not appeared to him in the vision, however he appeared to be connected to Wolfe somehow.
When Tom Skywalker's grandfather Paul called upon ancient Jedi Sage Kanu Riv attempting to find out the future of his family, the Sage told Paul that it was a descendant of Anakin who would become the galaxy's true savior, however not necessarily a Skywalker. As Wolfe married a descendant of Leia and Han Solo, this could mean that the savior is a descendant of Wolfe or possibly even one of his sons.
Later, it was also learned that Luke Skywalker had a vision about the savior as well, and in his vision it was apparent to him who would be the savior, and only that he is only allowed to tell the savior himself. Wolfe's eldest son Erik has at several times noted that he has had visions of several famous Skywalker's, meaning it is very well possible that Erik may be the savior himself.
Life at the Laboratories (7,600 ABY-7,604 ABY)[]

This first batch of clones went through extreme torture, and if it was not for their massive effect of strenghtening the Mandalore economy we would shut the lab down immediatley.
—Galactic Law Enforcement Chief Pallarkad
Mandalorian scientist by the name of Doctor Kandon Vil created a cloning laboratory on Mandalore during 7,600 ABY, assigned with the initiative of making slaves and workers for several different rich criminal kingpins, provided that they supply them with the correct amount of money for each one. They were each to be severely tortured and scarred, as unsurprisingly the kingpins did not want their slaves to have anything to do with emotions. Their first twenty one thousand clones were each named after animals, and treated worse than any of the others as that was before the People for the Ethical Treatment of Clones (PETC) laid down Restriction Laws. Wolfe was a member of this first wave of clones, and thus suffered starvation each day, and had a bone broken every week. There at the laboratories, Wolfe only had one friend, a scientist at the labs who had the task of educating the clones, Dr. Richard Clunaii. However, when Dr. Vil discovered that Clunaii had been secretly instructing the clones on how to escape, he had him executed before Wolfe's eyes. Half a year later, Wolfe was given to a rich Hutt slave owner by the name of Cola Bordun.
As a Slave (7,603 ABY- 7,610)[]
Cola was a monster. During my sith years I often dreamed of torturing him, however he was killed before I got the chance.
—Wolfe Ordo
For seven years, Wolfe worked a worse than terrible job, one of the twelve people who were to carry Cola around all day on his cushioned throne. At night, the bones in his back snapping from the day of work under the Hutt, he would be hanging from fifty chains in a cramped room next to another slave. Many of the slaves would die early, but Wolfe was too strong for that. When he was six, he met his third roommate, a son of a Sith lord who went by the name of Salvio. The two were the same age, and became friends quickly, and even shared the same terrible job carrying around their owner all day. At night, they would talk about plans to escape, some that may have even worked, however they were too frightened of the Hutt and his many mobsters to actually act out any of them. Yet, all of that changed one day, when Wolfe decided to stick around after carrying Cola to his room. There, he saw something he never thought he would see from the monstrous torturer of a Hutt. Cola Bordun, king of the Bordun Criminal Empire was sitting there upon his throne, weeping. Wolfe never thought to wonder why, the only thought that flashed through his mind was that he could get out. He was no longer afraid of the Hutt, and after revealing the information to Salvio, they escaped before sunrise. Heading to meet Salvio's father and join the Sith as they both seemed to be force-sensitive, they stole one of Cola's ships and began their flight to Hoth.
An Early Rivalry[]
Wolfe's first roommate was a fellow clone from MPL by the name of Pantharr Ordo, who got lucky and was assigned a job in security. Pan was a bragger, and became and enemy of Wolfe early on, as he was forced to go through his horrible job dreaming of a promotion to toilet scrubber while Pan served in security and later even became a waiter. At night they would bicker over who would escape first, and bet any spare change they would find during the day in the contest. They only gathered enough to barely buy a bagel, yet merely a bagel would be more than amazing for the slaves. Finally, it seemed to be that the bagel would be Pan's, as he finally set of on his escape. Pan was not very intelligent though, and less than an hour into his escape, he was found and shot by a couple of members of Cola's security force. Wolfe collected the money, and for the three months before he met his second roommate the boy found himself to miss his old rival, becoming quite lonely.
First Love[]
Wolfe's second roommate was a young girl by the name of Alice from Naboo who quickly became Wolfe's first love interest. They shared the job of carrying Cola, and Wolfe worked harder than ever in an attempt to impress Alice, and even used workout tips told to him from a thirteen-year-old slave named Colin who lived three rooms down. Wolfe overheard Cola talking about how he had gotten to his locations much quicker than usual, and how he was considering promoting whichever slave had caused this. Wolfe told him that it had been Alice and not him, and she was soon promoted to security and moved down six rooms, leaving Wolfe lonely yet again and with no roommate. Yet, for the rest of his days as a slave his crush on Alice remained, even though they were never able to communicate because of their differing jobs.
The Two Troublemakers[]
It was then that Wolfe met Salvio, son of Sith Lord Darth Valtor, the only slave under the control of Cola Bordun more mischevious than Wolfe himself and also Wolfe's third roommate. They were friends instantly despite the fact that Salvio was a waiter, and because of this Salvio purpousfully got himself caught talking bad about Cola so he could be demoted down to Wolfe's job. That was when they started planning their escape, staying up all night talking about various ways that they could trick the security and their Hutt master, deciding some plausible and some merely impossible. The two also took upon themselves the rank of Cola Bordun's official pranksters, carefully planning their pranks so that they would never become caught. During these pranks were some of the only times that the other slaves could manage a smile, and because of this the two became quite popular, if that meant anything. Finally the day came that Wolfe happened to see their frightening master weeping to himself in his private corridors, and the two finally acted out one of their best escape plans, something they had come up with almost a year ago. Creating a fire in Cola's room to disctract most of the gaurds, there were only three gaurds and a massive hutt to worry about. Firing a stolen blaster at the wall to distract the gaurds, they set off with seventeen mirrors and set them up to reflect the light into Cola's eyes with the hope of blinding them. Finally, they stole one of Cola's ships from the docking bay and using piloting skills they learned from Colin set off to the planet of Hoth, with dreams of becoming Sith Lords in their minds.
Training under Skywalker (7,612 ABY-7,618 ABY)[]
Wolfe was an...intresting student.
—Tomas Skywalker
Yet, there was still good inside of the boy, and after Salvio realized this, he attempted to kill his friend. Yet, Wolfe managed to overpower Salvio and took the ship off to Coruscant, where Jedi Grandmaster Tomas Skywalker was said to live. There, Wolfe found the master, and after about three days with the man, he finally accepted him as his apprentice. They quickly moved to the planet of Ossus, where the two joined the three groups of apprentices and masters known as the Senatorials. It was in this group that he befriended Gaarporin, a Wookie Jedi knight who would save Wolfe's life on many occasions in the future. Yet, as Wolfe got older and began to show anger issues, he began to take counselling lessons from councilor Poneer, who noted that the boy could go either way, he simply needed to learn to get rid of his emotions. In his journals of the time, Wolfe noted that he found the lessons pointless, however he later mentions that Poneer was one of the people who helped him on his path, meaning that his point of view may have shifted over time. He was known to be in constant disagreement with his master, and he often tried to take on other masters, however he has also stated that he may have only done this to annoy him.
Turning to the Darkside (7,618 ABY-7,624 ABY)[]
My days as Howler were very dark. One of my greatest regrets was the horror I made that young slave boy become.
—Wolfe Ordo
It was then, after six years as a Jedi, that Wolfe's old friend Salvio finally caught up to him. Now the apprentice of Emporer Darth Krane known as Darth Strider, the boy had returned to claim his friend to the Dark Side, bringing back his memories of his horrible childhood. Taken over by his anger, Wolfe chopped off his former best friends arm with his Lightsaber, and though his body was filled with pain, Strider was happy that he had finally managed to turn his friend back to the dark side. Bringing him with him to their base on Hoth, Wolfe became the Emperor's second apprentice, taking on the name Darth Howler (most likely a parody of his first name). At age twenty he took on an apprentice, a slave boy by the name of Kiir Fando. Yet, Kiir did not want to be a Sith, and thus, Howler kidnapped him and brought him to Hoth, torturing him for two years until their was no good left inside of him. One year later, the boy killed the Emperor in the middle of the night, instantly taking on his title. Horrified that he had caused his pupil to become this at such a young age, he began to have second thoughts about his way of living. Realizing this, the boy attempted to kill his master, however Wolfe overpowered him and flew away in a X-Wing to his home planet, joining the Mandalorians.
Mandalorian Life and the War (7,625 ABY-7,643 ABY)[]

Times of peace, those were for Wolfe. That he ever had to leave that life, it was quite sad.
This was one of the rare times in his life that Wolfe would find himself at peace. He loved his work as a bounty hunter, and built himself a mansion of metal on his home planet of Mandalore. There, he found a young orphan boy by the name of Geo and began to teach him the ways of the force and also the ways of the Mandalorians, before later adopting him as his son. Yet, these times of peace did not last as long as Wolfe had hoped, as at the age of 37 he received a message from his former mentor Poneer, asking him to come to Coruscant immediately. Wolfe quickly jumped on his old X-Wing and took off to see his master for the first time since he was eighteen. At this time it happened, that the Jedi and the Sith were in an intense war known as the Outer Rim war, and the Jedi were calling upon all available resources. When Wolfe finally arrived at his old training academy, now a run down old building that had become Poneer's hiding place during these dangerous times, his master explained to him that neither of the two sides were going to stop at time, and he believed that it would take someone affiliated with the both to bring peace. He believed that Wolfe, with his strong ties to the leaders of both sides could very well be the hero of this war. Wolfe did not want to give up his life on Mandalore, however half a month later when Geo revealed that he was leaving to join the Jedi in the war, Wolfe returned to Coruscant and accepted Poneer's offer. After fighting in the war for six years, Wolfe led the Jedi in the siege of the Sith Temple on Hoth, resulting in their surrender during the end of the war. Afterwards, he returned to Mandalore with Geo for a year before his son left again to fight with the Jedi and he left to Coruscant for a year to finish up his training with Poneer.
Under Maximus' Control (7,646 ABY-7,649 ABY)[]
Even though it had been years since his cloning labs on Mandalore had been shut down, Doctor Kandon Vil was still one of the galaxy's best officials on cloning, and it was not surprising that he was the one who Darth Kratus forced to create his clone Maximus. However, as Kratus did not want the clone to become too powerful, he had Vil take away all of the clone's force abilities except for the ability of mind control, of which he had Vil stress to the point of which the clone could control force-sensitives. Finally he was ready, and Kratus killed Jedi Master Poneer, weakening the wall blocking Wolfe's mind from control and allowing Maximus to gain complete control over the Mandalorian. At this point, Wolfe had amazing skill in both the light and dark side of the force, making him fit to lead the sith in the destruction of the Jedi Order. Two years later, Wolfe and Maximus tracked down and killed Tomas Skywalker, Wolfe's former master and Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. With no master, it was less than a year later when the greatly weakened Jedi Order finally fell to the Empire, and the sith spent the rest of the year tracking down and killing every other remaining jedi. The entire galaxy finally belonged to the sith, except for one minor flaw, their leader to domination who was only one lucky shot from a blaster away from recreating a much stronger Jedi Order.
Reforming the Order (7,651 ABY-7,679 ABY)[]

The Ordo Family
You are my students. You are the last of an ancient order desogned to keep the galaxy safe. You are the last jedi.
—Wolfe Ordo to his students
Two years after the end of the Jedi order, Wolfe and Maximus would find themselves drawing their sabers while on guard duty at the Sith Base on Hoth to a descendant of Han Solo sporting the Mandalorian logo on her sleeve. They battled for a short time, however the girl who seemed to be and extremely good shot finally managed to get a lucky shot in at Maximus, and in less than twelve minutes he fell dead to the ground. In a moment, Wolfe was snapped out of the Sith's control, and learned from the woman who he learned was named Karen Solo that he was the only one who could save the galaxy from the Sith's control. Along with Karen and his son Geo, Wolfe formed an academy on the distant planet of Dagobah where they began to train students in the ways of the Mandalorians, along with the ways of the light side of the force. Becoming the gray order, their long prophesied battle with the Sith began with fifteen force sensitive youth from around the galaxy. At the age of fifty-four, Wolfe proposed to Karen, and half a year later they were married on Naboo. They later had three children, each force sensitives, and each future students of their parents academy. Their eldest son, Erik was also the long prophesied savior of the galaxy, and after Darth Kratus learned of this their war began. He was killed by Kratus on Kashyyyk at the age of seventy nine, battling with his students under the lead of Erik.