Star Wars Fanon
Post-Legacy era

Withiib: "'zekutor?"
Breek Zagrev: “Petty Officer?
Withiib: “ 'gun die.
Breek Zagrev: “Yes, Petty Officer. I'm sorry.
Withiib: “I dun...I dun wa...dun wanna die...with juss...the droid...
Breek Zagrev: “Then I'll stay with you until the end.

— Breek Zagrev comforts a dying Withiib

Withiib was a male Vuul spaceman of the Royal Navy of the Golden Empire. He served in Breek Zagrev's fleet aboard the Firebird cruiser Thunderbolt.

During the New Year Fete Week of 155 ABY, a reactor on the Thunderbolt leaked, and Withiib, Troyg, and Swelpz were irradiated trying to lock it down. Though the leak was ultimately secured, Withiib was exposed to a lethal dose of radiation, and rapidly developed severe acute radiation syndrome. He experienced open lesions and diarrhea, and one of his eyes became paralyzed. Visiting her dying crew in the Thunderbolt's medbay, Breek Zagrev did her best to comfort them, and held Withiib's hand until he died.

Crewman First Class Dailo Tenzed was eventually found guilty of causing the leak through negligence, and Breek had him executed.
