White Squadron was a Rebel squadron that, at standard, was of five V-Wings and six A-Wings.
White Squadron was formed in 0.5 ABY completely out of raw fighter recruits, excluding Riels Omtar, one of the few survivors of the Battle of Yavin.
Battle of Yavin IV[]
They first saw action when the Imperials routed the Rebels out of their base on Yavin IV in the third battle of Yavin IV. The group escorted a few Corellian cruisers into space so the cruisers could get into hyperspace. Only a few shots were fired from any pilots, and no enemy kills were made.
Battle over Elestice[]
Later, in early 2 ABY, White Squadron saw action again. A Rebel Calamari cruiser was headed to Elestice, a neutral planet in the Galactic Civil War that was in the next system over from Hoth. Though neutral, they were known to be more friendly to the Rebel Alliance more than they were to the Empire. For this preference, the Rebel Alliance sent an unarmed Calamari cruiser to the planet, with White Squadron on board, to try to recruit possible pilots or soldiers.
The cruiser left hyperspace with the planet in plain sight. Unknown to the rebels, an Imperial Star Destroyer had went into orbit of the planet the day before to restock on supplies. The Star Destroyer noticed the Calamari cruiser, and vice-versa. The Rebels were getting to their battlestations when the Star Destroyer started firing its autoturrets and ion cannons.
The Calamari cruiser, being unarmed, had to flee. She was facing the Star Destroyer, and had her rear to Hoth, which had another Rebel cruiser in orbit. White Squadron was scrambled to hold off Imperial TIEs from the cruiser. The pilots held the TIEs off for five minutes, long enough to turn the cruiser around. Some pilots had engaged in dogfighting with TIEs, while others took out turbolasers and distracted the ion cannons.
Out of the casualties, all were Imperial. Three TIEs.
Battle over Jorim I[]
In 2.8 ABY, White Squadron entered combat once again in orbit of the planet Jorim I. There was an Imperial Star Destroyer that had been in orbit of the planet for a fortnight. The Alliance needed to get to that planet to buy weapons from a maufacturing company there, and that Star Destroyer needed to be removed.
White Squadron, along with Yellow Squadron, were loaded on a Calamari cruiser and sent to the Jorim system.
The Y-Wing bombers of Yellow Squadron took out the systems of the Star Destroyer[1] while the fighters of White Squadron took out the enemy TIEs.
All in all, one Y-Wing was shot down, and Saurwim Polasta, an A-Wing pilot, was blown up by an enemy TIE, which marked the first casualty of White Suqadron. The Imperial TIE casualty list scored up at 11 destroyed TIEs.
With the way to Jorim I cleared, other Rebel freighters came to the planet to purchase supplies. The day after all Rebel ships left the system, Imperial ships returned to the area and thoroughly searched the planet for any Rebels who might have been hiding.
Battle of Endor[]
They later saw much combat in the Battle of the Endor, in which they took five out of their eleven pilots as casualties. Lieutenant Riels Omtar resigned afterwards, ashamed that close to half of the pilots in his squadron were lost.
After losing five out of ten pilots at the Battle of Endor and afterwards, White Squadron stayed as a five-man flight for a few following years until 7 ABY when three new pilots were added.
In about 7.5 ABY, having gone three years as a five-man flight rather than a full squadron, White Squadron got three new pilots, Opoli Rastin, Sarah Barkhesh[2] and Rurim Fiminich. The three new pilots had had no combat experience, and were obviously greener than the others.
Battle of Sèrcinos[]
In later 7 ABY at the planet of Sèrcinos, a battle had broken out. A general stalemate between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire had been so for a week. White Squadron, once again along with Yellow Squadron, and other squadrons were rounded up to give heavy air support so Rebel soldiers could charge across the plain between the two armies' lines that had become "no man's land"[3].
To give air support for the ground troops, the blockade above the Imperial territory had to be broken through. White, Yellow, and the other squadrons engaged enemy squadrons in orbit of the planet, and then proceded on to the surface.
On the surface, Imperial IFT-Ts were getting ready to charge the armorless Rebel posistions. The bombers of Yellow Squadron came in at the right time, and bombed the Imperial positions to rubble. The Rebel ground troops got the "green light to engage"[4], and charged the enemy positions.
The battle was won both in the air and on the ground thanks to the help of the pilots who came in a week late.
Battle over Taurisia[]
With the victory at Sèrcinos, White Squadron was pulled off the list of combat-active squadrons. They got a scheduled ten month break from combat for all of their astounding combat missions flown.
Though they got a ten month break from being combat-active, they didn't quite get to use it all. Around 8.1 ABY, the planet of Taurisia, where the squadron was stationed during their break, was starting to be blockaded. The small Taurisia had no other space forces on the planet, so the guys and gals of White Squadron had to fend the Imperial fighters off.
White Squadron left the atmosphere and fended off the 707th and the 720th TIE Interceptor squadrons from the planet.
The 707th and 720th had heard exagerated stories about White Squadron and their triumph at the Battle of Sèrcinos about how they were supposedly some of the best pilots in the galaxy. The Imperial pilots didn't know that the stories were highly exagerated, so they fled once they figured out it was White Squadron they were up against.
Minimal shots were fired, and no ships were hit.
Battle over Hoji VI[]
In the first week of 11 ABY, two weeks after Riels Omtar returned to his old buddies, distress calls were called out from Hoji VI.
At the time, White Squadron was stationed in a space station in orbit of Hoji IV. They raced to the help of other Rebels, and fended off Imperial raiders.
Battle of Sonovislia[]
In later 11 ABY, the Battle of Sonovislia broke out. Like the Battle of Sèrcinos, it was a full-scale battle, and not just a space skirmish. Unlike the Battle of Sèrcinos though, there was little Imperial defenses around the planet.
White Squadron broke off into two three-man formations, and one two-man formation. The formations did many strafing runs on ground targets, eventually getting them to fall back from their original defenses.
About 30 minutes into the strafing runs, a special IFT-T armed with an anti-air missile launcher on the top rolled onto the battlefield. Rurim Fiminich alerted all aircraft about the anti-aircraft tank. The two three-man formations flew off into space to avoid missile fire. Whites Four and Five respectively, Qur Eyce'tok and Opoli Rastin were in the two-man formation. They could not locate the anti-aircraft IFT-T, so they tried to regroup with the others and followed them into the sky. After turning towards the others, they flew over the IFT-T that was hiding with heavy forrestry to Qur and Opoli's ships, blocking the view. The IFT-T locked on and fired twice. Opoli Rastin was killed, and Qur Eyce'tok was hit, barely making it back to the ship cruiser in orbit.
Qur was paralyzed soon after.
1 ABY to 2 ABY[]
- White Leader Lieutenant Riels Omtar
- White One Yuri Antilles
- White Two "Slick" Vedi
- White Three Aoran Sindelli
- White Four Teson Yurinjer
- White Five Nom Senduri
- White Six Saurwim Polasta - KIA, Battle over Jorim I
- White Seven Dax Iilin[5]
- White Eight Rezi Gorshun[6]
- White Nine Qur Eyce'tok
- White Ten Loran Kinto
2 ABY to 4 ABY[]
- White Leader Lieutenant Riels Omtar - Resigned after Battle of Endor
- White One Yuri Antilles
- White Two "Slick" Vedi
- White Three Aoran Sindelli - KIA, Battle of Endor
- White Four Teson Yurinjer
- White Five Nom Senduri
- White Six Dax Iilin - KIA, Battle of Endor
- White Seven Rezi Gorshun - KIA, Battle of Endor
- White Eight Qur Eyce'tok
- White Nine Loran Kinto - KIA, Battle of Endor
4 ABY to 7 ABY[]
- White Leader Lieutenant Yuri Antilles
- White One "Slick" Vedi
- White Two Teson Yurinjer
- White Three Nom Senduri
- White Four Qur Eyce'tok
7 ABY to 10 ABY[]
- White Leader Lieutenant Yuri Antilles
- White One "Slick" Vedi
- White Two Teson Yurinjer
- White Three Nom Senduri
- White Four Qur Eyce'tok
- White Five Opoli Rastin
- White Six Sarah Barkhesh
- White Seven Rurim Fiminich
10 ABY to 11 ABY[]
- White Leader Lieutenant Yuri Antilles
- White Sub-Leader Captain Riels Omtar
- White One "Slick" Vedi
- White Two Teson Yurinjer
- White Three Nom Senduri
- White Four Qur Eyce'tok - Paralyzed at the Battle of Sonovislia
- White Five Opoli Rastin - KIA, Battle of Sonovislia
- White Six Sarah Barkhesh
- White Seven Rurim Fiminich
11 ABY to 15 ABY[]
- White Leader Lieutenant Yuri Antilles
- White Sub-Leader Captain Riels Omtar - Retires from piloting
- White One "Slick" Vedi
- White Two Teson Yurinjer
- White Three Nom Senduri
- White Four Sarah Barkhesh
- White Five Rurim Fiminich
15 ABY to 16 ABY[]
- White Leader Captain Yuri Antilles
- White One Ensign "Slick" Vedi
- White Two Teson Yurinjer
- White Three Nom Senduri
- White Four Rurim Fiminich
- White Five Sarah Barkhesh
- "Star Wars: Brotherly Departed" (
Work in progressCancelled)
References and notes[]
- ↑ A Star Wars: Battlefront II-styled space battle.
- ↑ Named after the planet Barkhesh.
- ↑ Similar to World War I trench battles, in which the area between the two forces' lines is bombarded heavily, and anyone who went out there was sure to be killed.
- ↑ Reference to when Lord Hood from Halo 2 said, "Green light, green light to engage!" at the First Battle of Earth.
- ↑ "Iilin" is a reoccuring surname in Chiafriend12's fan fictions.
- ↑ Named after Thrak Gorshun, a Rebel soldier in the Star Wars: Battlefront series.