Wayland's Warhammer was a mercenary ground assault force, and a division of Wayland's Wilders, under the command of Colonel Devan Kei. The group maintained a 20,000 man force for planetary assaults, as well as a further 5,000 troops trained as marines and stationed aboard the group's starships. The group also included 2,000 support personnel, mainly surgical staff, combat medics, technicians, and the like. The assault and defense forces maintained by the group had a number of vehicles at their disposal, stored when not in use at the group's base on Ventooine.
All the vehicles were modified to Syd N'aanzi's specifications, including improved weapons and fire control systems, HoloComm transceivers and miniaturized shield generators with their own dedicated power sources. The soldiers and marines themselves were outfitted with modified suits of Mark III Katarn-class commando armor (including HoloComm transceivers, updated stealth capabilities, and interwoven cortosis alloys), vibroswords (based on a design dating to the Jedi Civil War), thermal detonators or proton grenades, Kashnir Arms KX-60 blaster rifles or BlasTech DC-15S blaster carbines (both modified for semi- and full-auto fire, as well as 3-bolt bursts), and BlasTech SE-14r repeating blaster pistols.
- KAAC Freerunners
- AT-PTs
- AT-TEs
- Storm IV Cloud Cars
- Bantha II Cargo Skiffs
- Gian Landspeeders
- Command Landspeeders
- Speeder Trucks
- Combat Swoops
- HAVr A9 Floating Fortresses
- HAVw A6 Juggernauts
- T2-B Repulsorlift Tank
- Grek-class Troop Shuttle
- 1-M Imperial-class repulsortank