Star Wars Fanon


The Wave Phaser is the principle of Yul capital ship weapons. Being extremely deadly and devastating. Powered by Crytonic Crystals. They can deal huge amounts of damage when charges.

The blaster fired is purple in colour and phases out of reality. Remaining in a subspace dimension till the bolt comes into contact with it's target.

The Wave Phaser will cause organic matter to pull itself apart, atom by atom. Creating a horrible death. They are thus, extremely effective against the Yuuzhan Vong. When faced against metal, it will shred through the shields and hull, melting them like butter.


The Wave Phaser is known for it's devastating firepower, but it has a flawed designed. Due to the required energy to fire such a weapon. Most weapon systems are forced offline for up to ten minutes while the weapon's reactor builds up the energy. This causes it to stand out on scanners like a lightsaber in the dark.
