The War of Twelve Heirs was a devastating conflict that tore the Sith Order of Decreto into four during the Old Republic era.
During the reign of Hekas-ni, the Sith Order of Decreto flourished greatly. The the Sith Council was founded, and they ruled supreme. All went well, until in 3,964, when Hekas-ni died. His son, Setal-ni was declared his heir, but few on the Council believed him suitable for the position. At the head of the opposition were three Council members – Mythos, Kell and Sam Sinays.
At first, the opposition was purely practical, Setal-ni was young, and could not rule the empire alone. But soon it became a race for power, with the Council being divided under the three and Setal-ni. When it became apparent to Mythos, Kell and Sinays that they would not be chosen as Setal-ni's advisor, they took it upon themselves to seize power through force.
Notable figures[]
House of Ni[]
House of Mythos[]
House of Sinays[]
House of Kell[]
- Kell
- Am Lee
- Saxa
Behind the scenes[]
The twelve Sith Lords were each given an outstanding feature, which they epitomized in. Each of these features are present in every single being, but were strongly recognized in the Sith Lords.
- Setal-ni – Responsibilty
- Shalbacca – Pride
- Konopka – Age
- Mythos – Ferocity
- Korin – Skill/Agility
- Corae – Wisdom
- Sam Sinays – Tenacity
- Sekal Phasas'a – Loyalty
- Taral – Mind
- Kell – Cautiousness
- Am Lee – Secrecy
- Saxa – Strength