Star Wars Fanon

The War for the Home Planet was a war that raged for seven standard years. It was fought between the forces of the Aan and the Tooins on Aantooine, primarily on the soils of Bajorcia, the home continent for the Aan Empire.

Continents were controlled by both sides, with Bajorcia, Wiesia, and Ulaia for the Aan, and Laaitia, Fluoritia, and Nuaisa for the Tooins, respectively. After several waves of aggression and violence towards Tooins within Bajorcia, Tooin leaders on the remaining continents forged a new order that created an army with which to fight the Aan on their own ground. The Aan became aware of these plans and immediately prepared for battle, reinforcing their strongholds. Aanian troops at Ulaia and Wiesia started to construct ships that could reach Bajorcia in time to stop the Tooin invasion.

The war begins[]

On the 75th day of 60,000 BBY, as the five moons of Aantooine aligned, the Tooins began their invasion from Laaitia, Fluoritia, and Nuaisa, crossing the Yais Sea, the Tais Sea, and the Frus Sea. The initial forces landed at what would later be Bandrais on the eastern coast of Bajorcia, about 30 km north of Antoo. Since Antoo was so heavily guarded, it was best to spread out and take as many smaller outposts as possible, and then concentrate on taking out the larger, more heavily defended ones. Already upon landing, the Tooin army encountered fire from Pso Hill located 40 km away. The Tooins could not afford to be wasted by the Daybreaker guns atop that hill, so the main forces traveled parallel to its maximum radius, while smaller infiltration forces snuck into the Zysla Mountains to wait for a signal that would ready them to go into the Pso Hill complex and destroy it from the inside out.

The 9th Tooin Army of Dreferkirck was the first to reach the outskirts of Antoo where they encountered fierce resistance from the capital center as well as flanking Aan forces from nearby Rudd, Qus, and Nbin. The 56th Tooin Army of Tyamissa, which branched off earlier at Bandrais, helped stop Aan forces from Jormin and Gysis City from pushing towards Antoo. Meanwhile, the 2nd Army of Tothzz pushed to the north to take the towns of Iquie and Vereptown along the Tais coast. Aan forces concentrated at Aescwis pushed out in southerly, easterly, and northerly directions to reinforce areas overwhelmed by Tooins. One such force encountered Tooins from the initial Bandrais invasion outside Manem, another Aan stronghold. Previously the 3rd Tooin Army of Risays took the minor outposts of Chusi and Gitts but were held off by the gunfire from Pso forcing them to change direction to the north towards Manem. The 3rd Risays was able to branch off the infiltration forces needed to take out Pso and change the course of the war, before encountering the Army of Aescwis. More Aan forces from Aescwis arrived at Andsi to take out more Tooin troops landing on the shores from Tacohna Lake. The Aan largely held these forces. They would later be reduced by forces from northern Nuiasa landing in western Verep, reducing Fluogate and Kad to rubble and pushing in from behind. Eventually Andsi would be taken and held by Tooin forces of the 40th Tooin Army of Vexi.

Along with the 40th Vexi, the 5th Army of Phonda reached Fluogate, and then backed towards Carn on the shore of the Releipsis Ocean, and the foothill towns of Eos and Kapan before pushing into western Aescwis. At the same time, forces in the second largest stronghold of Ungthesc regrouped and sent Aan troops to Lumji and Croman, followed by scout forces into the Zysla Mountains.

After Pso Hill was taken over, its Daybreaker guns were pointed at the last two remaining Aan strongholds in Crom, Sypho and Iserr Kaplan. The Aanian soldiers at Sypho and Iserr believed that the incoming shells were meant for the Tooins just waiting outside each stronghold after taking control of Croman, but they were indubitably incorrect. Several volleys from the triple guns obliterated the two strongholds leaving nothing but smoking ruins. Tooin forces proceeded to push east towards the capital city Antoo. Gysis City, Jormin, and Nbin were finally secured along the way to Antoo. Pso Hill was under control of Tooin forces, keeping a watchful eye for Aanian reinforcements on the horizon.

Aanian resurgence[]

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Battle for Antoo

The Aan knew that the range of the big guns could not hit Antoo itself, a fail-safe built into the placement of the weapons, so the majority of the Aanian forces pushed directly at the capital. Reserves from the Army of Crom temporarily stationed off shore and led by General Yisk, sent in Technounit Jorru fully equipped with audible interference emitters, which exploded the heads of those holding the capital complex, including that of Tooin leader Ryder Pale. While the remaining regions of Bajorcia were now controlled by Tooin forces, Antoo became a central command for Aanian forces to attempt to strike back.

A change in the wind[]

Towards the end of the war within Bajorcia, army leaders, executive representatives, and weapons manufacturers on Fluoritia began purchasing starships and other aerial fighters after connections with outside traders in return for vast mineral resources in the Phos Mountains, particularly that of psietite clusters. Tooin leaders largely believe that having a head start on the Aan would help the Tooins control the planet and their system.

On 5:12 of 59,993 BBY, an anonymous author announced in writing the existence of the hidden fleet, exposing the company. A representative of the Tooin unified people denied the allegations, but the Aan government had already located the company's heads of department and executed them for crimes against the Aan Empire. Aghast at this action, the Tooins assembled into the formalized fleet they had been planning for and shot away into space for the nearby planets of the Aan system. The first contact after this point became known as the Aan-Tooin Engagements and they would continue the show of force from both sides for many years to come.
