The Vundarians were a race of near-humans native to the Inner Rim planet of Vundaria. They bore a strong resemblance to the Zabraks of Iridonia.
Biology and appearance[]
The Vundarians were tan-skinned humanoids with black hair, brown eyes, and have multiple horns on top of their skulls.
Society and culture[]
Vundarians could work for any affiliation and occupations, and could speak in their own native language. They could speak Basic. They were also the makers of the Vundarian fire lamps. They were one of the 5 million sentient species (alien races) known to the Empire in the galaxy.
The Vundarians evolved on Vundaria, a temperate planet located in the Vundaria system within the Neshig-Zaric sector in the Inner Rim. Their homeworld was explored sometime between 25,000 BBY and 20,000 BBY, during the Tionese War and settling of The Slice. It fell into the area of space known as The Slice.
They shared their home sector with many other species, including the Bamasians, the Charbodians, the Colicoids, the Glassferrans, the Gryphonites, the Kloperians, and the Tolfranians. It became a part of Republic Space during the Clone Wars. In 25 ABY, their homeworld's population was up to 1 billion. Their homeworld was a part of Darth Krayt's Sith Empire in 137 ABY.
- Platt's Starport Guide (First mentioned) (Indirect mention only)