Child, I've been fighting across the galaxy for over twenty years and I've seen things your young little mind wouldn't comprehend. You need me just as much as I need you.
—Vrakune to Ahsoka Tano
Vrakune was a male Zabrak from the Mid Rim world of Iridonia and was born during the final years of the Galactic Republic. As a young man, Vrakune and his family moved from Iridonia to Coruscant in the Core Worlds and grew up in a wealthy and nationalistic household raised on the values and beliefs of the Republic. Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Vrakune joined the Republic military and enlisted in the Civilian Volunteer Corps to defend the Republic and fight off the Confederacy of Independent Systems and fought on many worlds throughout the conflict up until 19 BBY following the formation of the Galactic Empire.
After the formation of the empire, Vrakune went into hiding and became a mercenary and arms dealer in the underworld seeking to flee from the empire believing that the empire was the destruction of the Republic's values and refused to fight for a corrupt regime which was only solidified after hearing of the discrimation and humancentric policies of the Imeperial regime. After some time in the underworld, he formed his own insurgent group comprised of Zabrak militants and waged an insurrection against the empire before being convinced to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic in 2 BBY knowing that he and his allies would have better chances of success with wider support.
Early Life[]
Vrakune was born in 46 BBY on the Zabrak homeworld of Iridonia as a single child. At the age of eight, Vrakune and his family moved from Iridonia to the Core Worlds and managed to find a wealthy home on Coruscant and spent the rest of his childhood on the planet. In his youth, Vrakune grew up with the values of the Republic and adhered to them greatly as if they were a religion. He became very patriotic and nationalistic in his teenage years and would often listen to the speeches of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine whenever the HoloNet broadcasted them. When the Separatist Crisis had started around 24 BBY, Vrakune was very concerned about the future of the Republic as he wanted to protect it, but there wasn't any standing army that the Republic had that was capable of defending it nor looking for new recruits not to mention his parents rejected his offer to enlist citing that he was too young and though that war wouldn't occur. War did break out however two years later and the Confederacy of Independent Systems would begin their invasion and secession from the Republic and would destabilize the government.
Clone Wars []
After the Clone Wars began in 22 BBY, Vrakune was allowed to join by the wills of his parents and quickly tried to find a way to sign up for the Republic military. A few weeks after the Battle of Geonosis, the Civilian Volunteer Corps was created and Vrakune enlisted in it as fast as he could. He passed inspection and spent the next two weeks training before being deployed to the Mid Rim in order to stop Separatist advancements after they secured control over large parts of the region. He was sent to Venaari and fought against the Separatist droids across the planet in support of Pro-Republic rebels. There, his nationalist mindset helped him as a motivator for fighting against the Separatist forces and was able to help push them back and keep the planet in Republic territory. Afterwards, he proved himself to be a good soldier and was sent on other missions across the galaxy. During Operation Durge's Lance, Vrakune and his unit was deployed to Duros where he and his men successfully pushed out the Separatist forces during the second battle for the planet.
During the Outer Rim Sieges, many Zabrak colonies were under Separatist occupation and Vrakune traveled to one of the colonies and liberated them from Separatist control. His nationalist sentiment was shared among his comrades, especailly his Zabrak allies, and they all rejoiced after they liberated one of the colonies from the Separatists. Towards the end of the war, Vrakune was sent to Separatist strongholds in the Outer Rim such as Felucia and was deployed their among other soldiers for their natural immunity and/or skills against the harsh environment of the planet. He fought Separatist troops there, but faced his most intense opposition from the Gossam Commandos and other Separatist Expeditionary Forces who were used to the terrain and kept him and his troops bogged down. When the war ended in 19 BBY following the Decleration of a New Order, he returned back to Coruscant in hopes of supporting Palpatine and the newly formed Galactic Empire.
Era of the Empire[]
Escape to the Underworld[]
Shortly after the formation of the Galactic Empire in 18 BBY, Vrakune tried to enlist in the newly formed Imperial Security Forces which was formed from the Civilian Volunteer Corps that he served in during the Clone Wars. It didn't take long however for the young Zabrak to oppose the empire as a result of the policies of the Imperial regime. Humancentrism was promoted greatly among the empire and was even more present than it was during the days of the Galactic Republic. In response, Vrakune quickly fled underground and fled to the Underworld on Coruscant where he became a criminal agent for a local mafia and smuggled weapons throughout the planet.