Star Wars Fanon
New Jedi Order eraLegacy eraPost-Legacy era

The Virtuoso, originally the Indomitable, was an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer. It started its life in the service of the Galactic Empire, before successively falling into the hands of the Sith Lord Tak Sakaros and then his daughter Rin.

Service history[]

The Indomitable was built and commissioned into the service of the Galactic Empire some time in the first decades after the Battle of Yavin. Nothing is known of its Imperial service, or exactly how it was taken away from its rightful masters.

In 26 ABY, Tak Sakaros rescued his old friend Arba the Hutt from Nar Shaddaa just as the Yuuzhan Vong were invading the world. In order to enable his master's escape, the Massassi general Kartok was forced to sacrifice all seven of Tak's Star Destroyers while taking down the Vong worldship. Tak was deeply frustrated by the loss of so many useful craft, but a grateful Arba promised to do what he could to help.

Shortly thereafter, Arba presented Tak with the Indomitable; the Hutt gangster did not say where he had gotten the ship, and the Sith Lord did not ask. Refitted with a slave rig system and droid controls to compensate for the lack of living crew, the ship became part of Tak's fleet and one of his most crucial craft as he fought in the Yuuzhan Vong War. After the Vong were defeated, the Indomitable and most of the fleet were put in hiding at the Denarii Nova.

Decades later, Rin Sakaros dueled and defeated her father, claiming the fleet for herself. The Indomitable became part of the new Royal Navy of the Golden Empire, and participated in all its early engagements, including the Liberation of Quadia and much of the Great Liberation.

At some point following the Battle of Waldragos in 111 ABY, when the Royal Navy basic training facility was set up on that world, the Indomitable was rechristened the Virtuoso and attached to the facility as a training vessel.


Forced to operate vastly below even minimum crew requirements, Tak Sakaros had much of the Indomitable converted to operate on a centralized droid brain, controlled by living officers on the bridge. It was also slave-rigged to the Sith Star.

When the Virtuoso was installed as a training vessel, its hangar bay was gutted and converted into a massive physical training area for Royal Navy recruits. Though many components were stripped away to make room for training modules, it retained its heavy turbolaser batteries and was still capable of combat, even though it had no onboard fighter complement.
