Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

By my right as the Vicereine of Albert's Land, I swear that I shall govern this land fairly on behalf of our Sovereign and the Good Lord, in the manner that you have become accustomed. Hail Albert's Land!
—Jane Zarkan's first address to the people of Albert's Land as the Vicereine of Albert's Land

The Viceroy of Albert's Land (Vicereine for females, or the wife of the Viceroy) was a royal appointment of the Zarkan Kingdom. As one of the Viceroys of the Zarkan Empire, the Viceroy governed the colonial state of the Viceroyalty of Albert's Land, one of the Viceroyalties of the Imperial Demesne, on the Sovereign's behalf.

A "Viceroy" in Zarkanian terminology was a colonial governor, typically one of noble birth, who had been appointed by their monarch to govern a certain state on their behalf, and almost with the powers of the sovereign themselves. Both the administration of the Viceroy, and the territory they governed, were referred to as a "Viceroyalty". The Viceroy was considered a higher position than that of a Governor General, since the Viceroy was entrusted with was virtually the powers of a monarch.

The Viceroyalty of Albert's Land was established in 363 BBY when noble and explorer Albert Lordson lead his first expedition into the then-unsettled lands in northeastern Vulgatia (the "Western Colonies"). He carved out a sizeable chunk of land from the Kourati, the native tribe of the region, sending requests to the Viceroy of East Gerrettsia to supply additional forces to build forts and garrisons.

Albert returned to Zarkan City and reported to King James III of his mission, the sovereign, enthused, proclaimed Albert the Viceroy all of the land he had conquered. The sovereign sent Albert back with a letter to the Viceroy of East Gerrettsia, requiring him to recognize the new colonial state. The Viceroy, who had been attempting to bring the land into his own domain in Albert's absence, was none too pleased about this demand, but he bowed to James III's wishes and withdrew his forces.

Albert spent the new few years shoring up his hold on the province. He launched his Second Expedition in 360 BBY, which expanded the Viceroyalty's borders further to the north and east, along the coastline. He was brought back into conflict with the Kourati, but his position was less tenuous than it had been three years prior. Albert had ensured to adequately fortify his settlements, forts and outposts, and had worked hard in organizing his Viceregal Troops and the Militia of Albert's Land into units with good knowledge of what they were likely to face, and well-honed in their combat skills.

The success of the Second Expedition swiftly lead to the establishment of Port Albertsia, which would go on to be the main port in the province, and the home base of the Viceregal Navy of Albert's Land.
