Star Wars Fanon

My name is Edward R. Stephens, the Vice President of the Confederate States of Earth, my duties as High Chancellor include leading the Confederate Parliament, serving as the Head of the Government, providing assistance to President Zarkan and acting as the second in line to become Head of State should the president become somehow incapacitated or unable, or unfit, to lead the nation, and she hasn't appointed an emergency provisional president to temporarily rule in her stead.
—Edward R. Stephens, the first High Chancellor of the Confederacy explaining his position and the duties of his position

The Vice President of the Confederate States of Earth (also referred to as the Confederate Vice President, the Vice or, simply, as the VP) was the Head of Government of the Confederate States of Earth, a pro-Confederacy of Independent Systems nation which broke away from the Union of Earth States.

Established by an article in the Confederacy's Constitution written by the Provisional Confederate Parliament in the Confederacy's earliest days, the Vice President's duties were leading the Confederate Parliament, the Confederate legislature, as well serving as the chief assistant to the President of the Confederacy, the Confederate Head of State. Another duty was to act as the second-in-command of the Confederacy, in the event of the president being unable to carry out their duties and without having appointed an emergency provisional president to temporarily guide the nation through the crisis in their stead the Vice President would become the Head of State of the Confederacy until the crisis had ended and a new president could be elected.

The first Vice President was Edward R. Stephens, who was also the Prime Minister of the Zarkan Kingdom, Stephens had absolute loyalty to his queen, Jane Zarkan I, embracing his position as her servant with pride. He supported her views on secession entirely. When the Zarkan Kingdom and Empire seceded from the Union Stephens suggested to his queen that they raise the "Zarkan Secession Flag", a variant of the "Blue Star Flag", the almost 1,000 year old personal banner of King Thomas Zarkan I, Jane's distant ancestor and the "Father of Zarkania", above the Zarkanian Parliament building to celebrate the independence of the Zarkan Kingdom, Queen Zarkan agreed with him, and the Zarkan Secessio Flag replaced the Union banner atop the Parliament building, resulting in the two flags flying above the building being the Zarkan Secession Flag and the "Dragon Flag", the national flag of the Zarkan Kingdom.

Following the creation of the Confederate States by the Alliance of Ten and the subsequent Declaration of Confederate Independence the Provisional Confederate Parliament penned the Confederate constitution, which created the "Confederate Parliament" and the leadership positions of the President and the Vice President, Jane Zarkan offered the position of Vice President to Stephens, who gladly accepted it.
