Vezok was a Karkadon male bounty hunter, former member of the dark hunters and member of the Piraka-gang. He and the other 5 Piraka were mutated into monstrous forms through contact with energized protodermis.
After that experience, Vezok joined Zaktan in an attempted to overthrow the Shadowed One. When this failed, he and the other Piraka were expelled from the organization. In a battle, the Spear of Fusion was used against Vezok. This split him into 2 separate beings, himself and Vezon. Vezon took most of Vezok's intellect and escaped. Vezok lost his ability to think intelligently, and could no longer perform creative tasks. Since the split, Vezok has been searching for his other half.
Biology and Appearance[]
Before his mutation, Vezok looked like an ordinary Karkadon, with a blue skin hue. Vezok's mutation through energized protodermis caused his features to become grotesquely disproportionate. His jaw and teeth grew to massive size, and massive spines rose from his back and shoulders. His toes became large and clawed. After being attacked with the Spear of Fusion, Vezok's physical appearance changed little, but his intellectual capacity was greatly reduced.