Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion era

I'm here to fight and even die for the possibility that my death might bring about the greater good for the people of this galaxy, now can you say the same.
—Vesper Keys to an unnamed Rebel Pilot.

Vesper Keys was an ARC Trooper of the Republic's Grand Army of the Republic. He served the 327th Battalion and later after Order 66, joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic in 2 BBY to avenge the Jedi he killed during Order 66.


Early life[]

Vesper Keys was "born" on Kamino as a clone in the Grand Army of the Republic and grew up training under the ARC trooper program hoping to one day serve the Republic in the Clone Wars.

When Vesper was 9 (18 in clone years), he entered combat as an ARC trooper in the 327th Battalion where he would go into combat in various battles under the command of Jedi Master Aayla Secura who he viewed as an honorable woman and a genius commander and continued to serve under her for two years until Order 66 was initiated.

When Vesper was 11 during the battle of Felucia, Chancellor Sheev Palpatine initiated Order 66 and Aayla was killed but about 24 hours after it was activated, Vesper killed three Jedi and so afterwards his inhibitor chip malfunctioned and deactivated and he would then steal the Jedi's shuttle and leave Felucia, deserting the newly formed Empire and going into hiding until hearing about Mon Mothma's speech in 2 BBY and joining the Rebellion to help end the tyranny of the Empire. He also grew increasing fond of the Alliance's A-Wing interceptor and would sometimes serve as a pilot if the mission called for it.

Personality and traits[]

Vesper is a man of few words but still holds his loyalty to the Rebellion despite the events that took place during Order 66.

Behind the scenes[]

Vesper Keys was adapted for the upcoming Alliance Civil War story.

