Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

I am hoping to change the tide of the war with this weapon. The Empire may still have a chance of victory as long as this superlaser is in our hands.
—Grand Admiral Makraven

Vesek Makraven was a respected officer in the Imperial Navy of the Sith Empire, rising to the rank of Grand Admiral. Considered to be a good tactician and strategist by the Dark Council, Makraven commanded a modified Harrower-class dreadnaught called the Emperor's Fury, which was equipped with a superlaser weapon. Also under his command was a large fleet of thirty Harrower-class dreadnaughts, as well as a large number of smaller vessels. They were known collectively as Task Force Fury. This task force was active towards the beginning of the Cold War, and remained in service to the early years of the Galactic War.


Becoming a Grand Admiral[]

Vesek Makraven was a Human male who came to serve in the Imperial armada of the Sith Empire. Fighting in the Great Galactic War, he worked under the direct command of many Sith Lords, who noted that he was a competent and loyal officer, as well as a good tactician. By 3,665 BBY, Makraven rose to the rank of admiral and commanded a Harrower-class dreadnaught that was called the Emperor's Fury. Forces under his command scored a major victory over the Galactic Republic that year during the Battle of Kalist IV, in which he routed a Republic fleet. This, along with his earlier successes, was the reason that Makraven was selected by the Sith Emperor himself to be one of the eleven men who held a new rank—Grand Admiral. He, along with the other chosen officers, were promoted to the rank at a ceremony on Dromund Kaas in 3,659 BBY. As a social person, Makraven befriended fellow Grand Admirals Marino Sevir and Agapos Takan.

For much of the Great Galactic War, he found himself stationed in Imperial space, not seeing much action. So during the Cold War, Grand Admiral Makraven began to experiment with new technologies, and acquired powerful energy crystals after a battle on Malachor V, in which he destroyed a Republic Navy fleet. After researching their properties, he had engineers design a superlaser powered by the crystals. It was not capable of completely obliterating planets, but it was able to fry all life on the surface and crack the crust of worlds. His personal vessel, the Emperor's Fury, was equipped with this powerful weapon, and his flotilla of ships became known as Task Force Fury. During the Cold War, it was mostly stationed in Imperial space, as the Dark Council wanted to use the weapon to destroy any attacking Republic fleets. At the beginning of the Galactic War, the Empire went on the defensive, and Grand Admiral Makraven realized he would probably never get a chance to test his weapon if he remained in Imperial space. So to change that, he decided to go on the offensive.

Final campaign and death[]

Personality and traits[]

Behind the scenes[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Grand Admirals
  2. 2.0 2.1 Star Wars: The Old Republic: Dark Reign of the Empire

Grand Admirals of the Sith Empire
Vesek MakravenRymar HaddonYasorion ElakatiMikul Gargus
Agapos TakanTyrak CorginValion MadrekHarridax Kirill
Rilan ZatchNiral DesannMarino Sevir