Star Wars Fanon

Lord Versutus, born Ver-Su-Tus, was a Cerean Sith Master of the Sith Order of Darth Sedriss.


Growing up on isolationist Cerea, Ver-Su-Tus was unaware of many things. For one thing, he had no idea that his cousin had been a Jedi; his father refused to even acknowledge Van-Sar's existence and Ver-Su only found out when Van-Sar visited Cerea to reconnect with his family. Another thing Ver-Su was unaware of was that all of his wives hated him and thought him a spineless coward whose only value was helping them have children.

Unbeknownst to him, Ver-Su was had Force powers as well and only discovered them when he began crushing one of his wives' windpipe without so much as raising a hand, after finding her cheating on him with another man. Exiled from Cerea, Ver-Su found himself on the streets of some lawless backwater world, begging for spare change. In an attempt to make some money, he entertained the crowds by performing "magic" tricks, using the Force to levitate objects and people. Soon, people came to call him "the Magician".

Drawn by word of this magician, the former Imperial Inquisitor-turned-Sith Jerec tracked down Ver-Su and, sensing darkness within the Cerean, offered to take Ver-Su to Dromund Kaas for training. Due to his isolated upbringing, Ver-Su had to be told what a Sith even was before accepting Jerec's offer. After being taken to Dromund Kaas, Ver-Su was trained as a Sith acolyte for the next six years. When Darth Vorath was vanquished, Ver-Su went with Jerec and became his unofficial Shadow Hand as Jerec established his domain on Endymion.

When the Jedi tracked down Jerec's army, Ver-Su-Tus fled for parts unknown, leaving his master to his fate. Wandering the galaxy for the next half-dozen years, hopping from planet to planet, Ver-Su eventually ran into Lysira Naris, another acolyte from Vorath's Order. Although he was far from her first choice, knowing him to be an oblivious oaf, Lysira offered Ver-Su a place in her new Sith Order, to which the Cerean agreed. The Cerean agreed and took on the name Lord Versutus.

Rather than select an apprentice for himself, Lysira instead gave Lord Versutus a student to teach in the hopes that the student would be able to keep the Cerean from doing anything stupid. Said student, the telepathic Sharik Vyys, was the best suited for such a task. Unfortunately, when Vyys seceded from the order along with the other masters' students, Versutus was left without guidance once again. In the hopes of keeping him out of danger, Lysira sent him to Cheelit to meditate in the abandoned Hive Palace of Lady Dohl. However, Vyys was somehow able to track down his master — presumably because the old fool had told him where he would be — and Lord Versutus was murdered in his sleep, unaware that his apprentice had even entered his chamber.

