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Ven Ren Senden was a Bah'r Kilido male who joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
In 29 BBY he was born on Cessopyre and became a pilot as a teenager, flying salt transports to worlds in the Yminis sector. In 1 BBY he murdered the Imperial colonel Delkon Frodd and fled his homeworld. A Rebel recruiter found him on Circumtore and convinced him to join. In 0 BBY he became a member of Rebel Group MT50 and was wounded during the Kraa Butha Supply Run. Still recovering, he participated in a covert affair on Trigalis. The following week, he was sent on a solo mission to Ciutric IV. Nearly discovered, he escaped in time to participate in the Little Pok'bortboir Uprising where he was wounded severely enough that he died while receiving attention from the medic Ocanul Trousk.