Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

You've seen the people trying to destroy us. The Republic, terrorists, traitors...someone needs to stop them
—Velitros Goll to Kaliyo Djannis.[src]

Velitros Goll was a male Human who served in the Imperial Intelligence branch of the Sith Empire. Through his adventures he used the codename Cipher Nine.


Early life[]

Born on Alderaan to House Thul servants in 3613 BBY, he was abducted by the Empire, because Darth Jadus, who was a family friend, sensed he had greatness in him, so he ordered the Empire to abduct him, kill his parents, and pay compensation to House Thul for the damage caused. He was raised by his uncle Gell.

Imperial Intelligence[]

On his first mission, he was sent by Keeper to convince Nem'ro the Hutt to align with the Empire. After killing Karrels Javis and blaming it on Fa'athra's assassins, he managed to convince Nem'ro to do so. But not before Kaliyo Djannis, his security chief found out about the scheme and joined Goll on his various adventures through the galaxy.

After receiving the codename of Cipher Nine, and getting a ship several missions, he met Vector Hyllus on his homeworld of Alderaan, a Human who was joined by the Killiks. After ruining Cortess' reputation, Vector joined him on his adventures.

Behind the scenes[]

He was voiced by Bertie Carvel.

