Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Before the Republic eraOld Republic era

Vattica was one of the largest cities on Kal'Shabbol, as well as one of the first two major colonies to be set up on the planet after the planet was settled following the Exodus from Had Abaddon. During the Kal'Shabbol Civil War, Vattica was reluctant to become involved and instead decided on maintaining a neutral stance, though they were still hopeful that the Order of the Jedi Bendu of the Ophuchi would be successful in defeating the Eternal Order of the Vipera. Once the Eternal Order began attacking citizens of the planet, the Vattican Security Forces joined with the Jedi Bendu Army of God and helped to defeat the Eternal Order.

Many years later, after the Jedi Bendu made their way off of Kal'Shabbol for the Core Worlds, Vattica and the other cities and colonies unified themselves into one global democratic-monarchy. The planet continued to prosper after that and Vattica reaped many of the benefits, becoming a city geared towards business and development. Many of the economic centers of Kal'Shabbol and the Ashlan Expanse were located in Vattica. The city remained this way throughout the years, even after the Bendu Order was elected to be the head of the world government.

Two decades before the Great Sovereign Crusades, Ussej Padric Bac III became the Bendu Priest of Vattica. Two months into his tenure, a deadly virus broke out among the population of the city. The cause was indeterminable, and in the end hundreds of people had contracted it. Dozens of those people died within weeks. The father of Jana DesOrz, who later became Ussej Padric Bac III's wife, was one of the victims of this virus.

Behind the scenes[]

The name "Vattica" was one of the first elements of Kal'Shabbol created by author Brandon Rhea, dating back to early 2006. It was created as the birthplace for Bara ErMez, the original name of Ussej Padric Bac II's wife, which would have been mentioned in the first draft of Shadows of the Jedi: The Legend of Ussej Padric Bac . The name of the city was based on the Vatican, the holy center of Catholcism and the residence of the Pope.

