Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

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Beautiful world, if you don't mind the cold.
Mical Heste

Vasia was a terrestrial, if cold, planet in the Mid Rim region of the galaxy. It had no native species, instead being host to numerous immigrated species, including humans, twi'leks, and zabraks.


While Vasia was a terrestrial world, its climate nevertheless ran cooler than the average. As a result, its winters were longer and summers were shorter. Like Alderaan, it was covered by mountains with shrubby boreal plains. Vast swaths of the planet was dominated by untouched evergreen forest wilderness. The cities were stately and elegant, utilizing the native environment and natural beauty of the planet without destroying any wilderness. The capital city, Calaeux, was nestled on a mountain valley river. A native species included the dire ursa.

Vasian culture was dominated by the arts. It was a world of poets, actors, artists, and musicians.


Behind the scenes[]
