Star Wars Fanon

Vasara "Sara" Linaia Tanis was a female Human Alsakanian politician and revolutionary who served the Galactic Republic as her planet's senator in the Galactic Senate from 3641 BBY until the Fall of the Republic in 3622 BBY, led the Republic-in-exile as Supreme Chancellor from 3622 BBY until 3617 BBY and led the restored Republic from 3617 BBY until 3614 BBY. Representing one of the republic's most populous and influential worlds, Tanis was one of the most well-known, vocal and outspoken members of the Galactic Senate.

After the conquest of the Galactic Republic by the Galactic Commonwealth, Vasara Tanis was elected Supreme Chancellor of the Republic government-in-exile by the remnants of the Galactic Senate. She clandestinely undermined the Commonwealth and with the help of the Galactic Liberation Army she instigated a revolution overthrow to the rule of the Commonwealth.
