Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

I am the darkness that silences the light. I am the renewed life of the dead. I am Varin Ka.
—Varin Ka

Varin Ka was a former Jedi Knight. Following Order 66, Ka went into hiding on the distant hell-world of Shola, where he fell to the dark side and mastered several deranged dark arts.


Early life[]

Varin Ka was a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars. Recently knighted at the time of the Battle of Geonosis, Ka was given the title of Jedi General. The Jedi Council, noting Ka's talents for subterfuge, gave him command over a company of shadow troopers, with the assignment to disrupt enemy production facilities. Behind enemy lines, Varin Ka became talented in masking his presence, not only from the naked eye, but through the Force.

During a mission against a battle droid construction facility on distant Shola, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine issued Order 66. Ka's shadow troopers quickly struck, but Ka, using his skills in stealth, turned the tables, slaying the entirety of his forces. Ka took up residence in the Separatist production facility, shut down after the deactivation of droid forces by Darth Vader, killing the remaining Separatists inside. He retained the Theta-class shuttle the soldiers had used to reach the surface, in the unlikely event that he decided to venture back into the galaxy.

The dark times[]

You will soon feel death, Mandalorian. This hellish wasteland will be your grave, and soon, the place of your rebirth.
—Varin Ka

Giving in to the dark side, Ka became a twisted, maniacal Dark Jedi. Calling upon his newfound power, Ka learned to reanimate dead bodies. While originally he only had the bodies of his soldiers and the few organic Separatists present in the facility, Ka began to ambush hundreds of smugglers and other lowlifes that stopped in the system. Over years, Ka would acquire a small army of reanimated corpses.

600px-Force Corruption

Varin Ka commands a reanimated clone trooper

His presence on the world, however, would not go unnoticed by members of the Galactic Empire. Inquisitor Lunais, plotting to take over the Empire for herself, became aware of Ka through her network of spies, and arranged to visit the remote hell-world, in an effort to enlist his aid.

On behalf of Drolslobba the Hutt, Phiht Piroc would come to the world as a bodyguard for Andrau Baryue and the crew of the Call of Destiny. Desperate to have the services of a Mandalorian warrior at his beck and call, Ka sent his forces after the mercenary and the Destiny's crew. While much of the crew succumbed to the undead horde, Piroc managed to save several crewmen, all while whittling away at Ka's forces.

Upon his arrival in the production facility, Piroc engaged Ka in combat. The battle ended with Ka falling into the Shola lava flows below the facility.

Varin Ka

Varin Ka, Dark Lord of Shola


His death, while unfortunate, merely delays my rise. This Dark Jedi isn't irreplacable.
—Lunais, reflecting on the death of Varin Ka

Lunais, unaware of Ka's death, arrived in the Shola system. Disappointed that her potential ally had been destroyed, Lunais ordered her Star Destroyer, the Dark Force, to fire on the facility, obliterating all evidence of Varin Ka's existence.

Behind the scenes[]

Although the original version of Star Wars: Hellfire has the Dark Jedi as a master of a horde of technobeasts, the rewritten version will instead have Ka in command of an army of zombie-like corpses.

