Lord Valendor Sreethyn, later officially known as Prince Juvex, was a noble of House Sreethyn as well as politician during both the late Galactic Republic and early Imperial era.
Born in 83 BBY in the Juvex sector, Lord Valendor was the heir of House Sreethyn, the most influential of the Ancient Houses in the sector. He got involved in court politics at an early age, and took many trips with his father, Lord Caderil Sreethyn, to the galactic capital of Coruscant. In 60 BBY, at the age of twenty-three, the younger Sreethyn was appointed as the senator of the Juvex sector. He proved to be a capable negotiator, being involved in talks with the Galactic Republic regarding some disputes over the region's slave trade.
During his time on Coruscant, he met Senator Palpatine of Naboo, and the two ended up becoming allies in the Galactic Senate. Sreethyn was recalled back to the Juvex sector by the time of the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, taking over the lordship upon his father's death. When the Clone Wars broke out, he remained loyal to the Republic, despite its disputes with his homeland. The main reason for it was that Sreethyn became a close confidante of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.
In 20 BBY, the nobleman took part in organizing the patriotic organization known as the Commission for the Protection of the Republic (COMPOR). He served on its select committee for a few months.
After the establishment of the Galactic Empire, Sreethyn became one of the leading proponents of the New Order in the Senex-Juvex region. It was because of this that he was appointed as the Moff of the Juvex sector in 15 BBY by Emperor Palpatine, who gave him the new peerage title Prince Juvex of the First Rank. Sreethyn's rule was ruthless but efficient, increasing the popular support for the Empire in the sector. He also became an acquaintance of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, Grand Vizier Sate Pestage, and a number of other officials.
He was invited by Grand Moff Tarkin to inspect the Death Star battle station a couple of weeks before the Battle of Yavin. Sreethyn accepted the invitation, which ensured his demise aboard the station when it was destroyed by the Rebel Alliance at Yavin. His son, Rathe Sreethyn, became the next Prince Juvex and Lord of House Sreethyn.
Personality and traits[]
Sreethyn believed that bloodlines were the most important thing about a person, and that the aristocracy had the right to rule everyone else as it pleased. Being a member of the nobility, he was arrogant and stubborn. He also had some Humanocentric views, though Sreethyn did not pay much heed to non-Humans. It was due to these qualities that he got along so well with Palpatine and supported the New Order fanatically.
Manipulative and cunning, Sreethyn was a good negotiator and politician. He was able to keep the Republic from restricting the Juvex sector's slave trade industry for years, during his time as a senator. The noble also proved to be an able administrator while being the Moff of the Juvex sector, running it efficiently and quickly eliminating dissidents.