Star Wars Fanon

(text of the quote)

Vak'selu was a former Twi'lek slave dancer who turned her beauty and prowess to good use as a ruthless assassin working for the Revari Assassin's Guild


Early life[]

Vak'selu was born into virtual slavery on the planet Ryloth in the year 25BBY the illegitimate daughter of a powerful clan leader & his teenage mistress, declared a bastard from birth she was treated as such by her clan and her 'father'


In 19BBY Vak'selu was taken from Ryloth by slavers working for a notorious criminal gang that utilized underage females of species of value to staff a brothel on Nar Shaddaa, Vak'selu was sold to them by her 'father' for a pittance to rid himself of the stain on his clan

in 10BBY Vak'selu was 'acquired' by Wukkux Nesch a minor level Hutt gangster solely for the purpose of owning a Dark Blue skinned Twi'lek slave girl as he owned each colour skinned Twi'lek that he could afford, she served as his personal dancer, come whore, and all too frequently object of his cruelty and barbaric treatment often meted out in front of dozens of witnesses.

In 7BBY Vak'selu grew tired of living like a dog on the chain of her master, his sole surviving slave his brutality had only increased as he sold off his other Twi'lek slaves to repay a gambling debt to the equally vile Gardulla the Hutt.

One day Vak'selu was left on the throne alone without the end of her leash in the grubby hands of Wukkux Nesch with the vile Hutt standing on the trapdoor he often used to dispose of his enemies into the battle pit below, alongside his two main henchmen all were too busy watching something going on outside the fortress from the 'safety' of the palace, Vak'selu punched the release button sending her tormentors falling into the pit below, where all three were torn apart by their own intended victims.

Freelance Assassin[]

Vak'selu escaped her hellish existence by killing her tormentors, she managed to collect the mangled heads of the trio and fled Nar Shaddaa, where she promptly made a sizable fortune from Gardulla the Hutt on Tatooine from the bounties on their heads.

Vak'selu utilized her natural beauty as well as her apparent subservience to lure her targets out into the open and then assassinate them, in 3BBY she joined a group of freelance assassins known as the Revari Guild and became one of their more successful killers, using poisoned daggers concealed in the bra of her slave outfit or a holdout blaster pistol depending on the circumstances


In 10ABY Vak'selu died under mysterious circumstances her lifeless body was found abandoned in a waste dump on Nar Shaddaa, it was too badly decomposed to determine the exact cause of death, most likely she was poisoned


Vak'selu was as successful as a freelance assassin as she had been a whore, and a Hutt's pet slave girl had she not met such a mysterious and untimely demise who knows where she might have gone

Personality and traits[]

Vak'selu was at first a timid and subservient Twi'lek raised to believe in her inferiority given that she was not in the yes of her clan worthy of anything but contempt, as a slave she was obedient and had to endure many an horrific act of brutality because she was just that a slave

As a freelance assassin she was ruthless, took no prisoners, left no witnesses, anyone who got in her way of her job perished

Behind the scenes[]

See also[]
